General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


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      つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIVE ME YOUR ENERGY つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

      chicken spook,,,,

        I overestimated my feeding skill


          U need double digit feeds. That's how I dropped more than 1k lul


            Hao to git vhs?

            chicken spook,,,,

              Maybe I should do the rizky riki again


                what a losing streak man :(

                chicken spook,,,,

                  maybe I'll sign up for mechanical engineering cuz its the easiest


                    in here industrial engineering is the easiest and guess what im studying? xd


                      so analboi can u just settle whatever conflict it is u have with me or whatever reason u hate me and move on
                      like u cud just act like a mature human being and not force ur hate for me into every post on this forum but u do
                      lets just figure it out

                      The fact of the matter is, you always feel the need to put your opinion out there without realizing what it means. I actually started getting triggered when I posted the drafting thread with an intention to have an intellectual discussion and learn from high MMR players step-by-step what the prerequisites to drafting are. I even specified this is something normal skill players like me can learn from. Instead, people post retarded comments ignoring the source topic in the first place. And then you wonder why I would get mad at such a thing.

                      Then, after people start criticizing the "Basics of drafting" by saying this doesn't even cover anything like first phase picks, dual lane combos and all that shit, when all I started with is "Hero roles and lane compositions", some decent and high MMR players gave their opinions on what to keep in mind when selecting certain types of heroes and what objectives to keep in mind.

                      When I literally copy all these relevant and useful advice from people who actually are trying to contribute, into one section about "Team synergies", word to word, the criticism resumes that I'm trying to be too generalized and there is a lot that goes into drafting, and that this shit is too specific. When literally that entire "Part 2" post is about what others said based on the follow up to the original post. Not only that, when I actually move forward and try to open up a discussion about first-phase and second-phase picks and bans, in "Part 3", specifically stating that this is something I could use some help with, it is completely ignored and criticism on the second post continues.

                      All this while there are a dozen and a half posts on the forum about the hidden pool. How hypocritical is that? If that isn't enough, your latest reply to one of my posts proves it again.

                      I do think this game u shudnt have gone aghs and gone force first I'm
                      But this invoker was just way too shit, I think maybe u shud have tried to snowball best u can and become the core it just looked like a hard game.

                      You refute your own advice in the very next sentence you type. How in the world does that make sense? I never had a problem with you before this and I still don't, but I merely wanted to ignore your advice, because you have to come with the terms that what you're telling people is not good advice. Its the same type of response when Cookie asked about Arc Warden builds against 3 heroes on a some random thread not long back.

                      If you don't agree, that's fine. Just no need to response on my threads in the future again. I'll offer you the same courtesy. Also, this is the first and last time I'll mention this. I do not like or find respectful the moniker "anal boi" given to me. If you continue to use it, I take it as an offense.


                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      chicken spook,,,,

                        The page isn’t working

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                        Try clearing your cookies.

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          >signing up for engineering
                          "which one is the easiest"

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            waow mech engineering is the easiest :bc_ok: :bc_ok: :bc_ok: :bc_ok:

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              I signed up for mechanical engineering so I can make my own mechanical keyboard hah beat that!


                                Lul analboi triggered

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  I hate slow parts

                                  KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                    I just heard that this is the thread where skilled players gather, can someone fight me 1v1 chen same hero? No jungling allowed ty


                                      Dude how does going forcestaff contradict snowballing?
                                      Tbh that game wasn't ur fault much
                                      Either way, I never specify that my advice is the be all end all, if I say something wrong then correct me, I've said this a thousand times.
                                      I refuted/addressed what u said abt me in the draft thread on that thread and no response.
                                      It's like u think all 2k's shudnt post cuz they won't have the game knowledge to give the most incredible insight? This is a learning experience and ur around the same skill level too, so I recommend stopping ur "oh shit high MMR replies or nothing mentality ty"
                                      It's just ur way or the highway

                                      Ps Nibba everyone calls u analboi, guess I'll call u feeder instead.

                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        1. do you guys shave your armpits
                                        2. do you shave your pubes

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          1. No
                                          2. Yes


                                            And no, but I cut them with scissors, I rlly don't want to cut my balls with a razor

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Doesn't that count as "shaving" too 🌚


                                                Ded tred

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  I blame whatsapp




                                                      I shave whenever i feel like it
                                                      Aka twice a year

                                                      Active sex life?? No thank you

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Trimming is better than shaving or waxing.

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          Dead thread

                                                          analboi rofl wat

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            Winning LPQ games in smurf land with my friends and I think I'm good


                                                              20cs in 10min gigalul

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                SHOW YOUR LOVE LIVE SCHOOL IDOL FESTIVAL IDOLS IF YOU GOT EM. I got like almost 100 SRs and above in my present box too, but I'm too lazy to make room for them, most of them are just SRs, initial SSRs, promo URs, but I have one pajama smile Kotori SSR that I've been meaning to make room for.

                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  im not a weeb ty

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    Winning LPQ games in smurf land with my friends and I think I'm good

                                                                    your friends suck tho so your words still have some merit to it

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      (✿◠‿◠)〜 ITSUDEMOO (✿◠‿◠)〜

                                                                      Potato Marshal


                                                                          dweeb nerds

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            Still better dota players than you tho 🌚


                                                                              yeah whatever smurf slave

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                So anyone here actually play LL:SiF, or am I the only one here?

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  I don't play/watch anything outside of my main 2 games

                                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                    i dont play weeb game sry

                                                                                    Potato Marshal


                                                                                      Also, your video is outdated, it only has songs from the anime and movie.

                                                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                        idk i never watch love live or something similar to it :bc_eyes:

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          smh, damn poser weebs. Kids today don't know how to truly appreciate anime.

                                                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                            im not a weeb

                                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                                              im not a weeb



                                                                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                                i wrote my name in my native language and that pic i draw myself :bc_eyes:

                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  Only a weeb would draw anime.