General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes that can carry the hardest.

Heroes that can carry the hardest. in General Discussion

    Yeah no, i'm not specifically talking about like AM, or Spectre because they need space to actually carry hard. I mean heroes like arc warden (that I can't really play) that have strong early to late game. Or like storm or something, what some other examples? Aka 1v5 solo queue heroes.

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      Why not play a support and create space for your team instead?


        Slark, ursa, incoke, od, sometimes void

        Riguma Borusu

          drow can carry pretty hard as it is now

          she can take towers and deal massive damage in early fights, you can gank somewhat and lategame you are a monster with aghs


            invoker is da shit ur looking for

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Hardest carries in the game:

              Arc Warden

              Those 8 heroes easily carry very hard.

              Dire Wolf

                CK isn't even close to a 1v5 hero though, nor is medusa, or spectre. CK cus counters, medusa cus u need space to farm, spectre u need team to setup haunt kills or space to farm.


                  Sven is one. Decent enough early impact and monster late game.

                  Fee Too Pee

                    HUSKAR. seriously. early to late game killing everyone if played right


                      Huskar has counters tho. In low skill pubs he can still rek, but against wr or ck who knows what e is doing huskar will have a hard time. Also viper, tho the matchup is winnable.


                        PA tbh. Stifling dagger is downright cancerous in lane, especially if you have a CM or your support bought a ring of basilius. I'd actually argue that PA is more of a midgame hero due to her falling off against other carries in the lategame.




                            1v5 solo queue heroes: Slark, lifestealer and sven.

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                            Giff me Wingman

                              Most common ones would be:
                              Arc Warden (currently most broken hero)
                              Underlord (Broken as well)
                              TA, Invoker, Storm (good mmr grinding heroes but arent broken)
                              AM, TB, Naga (splitpush enemies 2 death)

                              Those are pretty much all.


                                Storm, AM, Naga, Alche, OD, Meepo, TA, Arc warden all fit the bill.