General Discussion

General DiscussionCreep stacking

Creep stacking in General Discussion

    So I tried to stack creep at :23 and :53, I lured all of them come out of the camp zone (yellow square when ALT) before the timer hit :30 and :00 yet sometimes a camp won't spawn a new creep set for me when the timer finally reaches :30 and :00, Why the creep won't spawn? What are the thing that I could have done wrong that caused a camp to not spawn a new creep set?


      why would they spawn when the timer reach 30 ?


        Are you implying that a creep don't spawn at :30? Damn, I'm an idiot here.

        Riguma Borusu

          you can't stack at :30, only at :00

          there might be a ward in the yellow box, wards count as units, you can block the spawn box with a ward

          for most camps nowadays, :23 and :53 is too early, going :54 or even :55 is safer in a lot of cases, especially if your hero is slow and melee so creeps get to hit you a few times


            They spawn every minute not every thirty seconds, except for the first one. But thrs nth in thr to begin with lol

            mentally handicapped

              every xx:30 that's when lane creeps spawn. i think you got it mixed up


                not all camps stack at :53-:54 btw

                list of camps that stack at :53-:54
                -both dire large camps
                -dire medium camp near the rune
                -dire small camp (aka pull camp)
                -radiant medium camp northwest of the small camp
                -radiant large camp northeast of the small camp
                -radiant small camp
                -radiant secret shop camp
                -both ancient camps

                the others have slightly different timings:
                -dire medium camp near their safelane t2 tower stacks at :55
                -dire secret shop camp, though idk the timing on this, someone help
                -radiant medium camp near their mid t1 tower stacks at :55
                -radiant large camp near their mid t2 tower stacks around :55-:56
                -roshan stacks at 60:00 kappa

                also for stacking already stacked camps, just add 1 second to all their timings and youre gucci

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  55 for small yellow box camp. 53 for the big ones. If you got the dinosaurs camp(ancient) hit the small creep coz if you hit the big one you will trigger frenzy and it takes time to activate that