General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i not suck at dota

how do i not suck at dota in General Discussion

    look guys i suck quite a dick at dota and i don't seem to be able to improve by just watching pro games and practicing
    i'm also a greedy eastern european jew so oy vey my shekels everytime someone advertises gameleap to me

    i don't understand how and why i suck at dota i just know i don't even have a consistent 50% wr in the <1k mmr bracket and that's a big ol' bucket of suck

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        thank you dota community

        Président® Salted Butter

          Watch and read guides. Watch coaching videos.


            Practice last hitting and improve farming patterns. It might be hippocritical of me to say this but the increase in farmrate helps quite a lot.Out farming the opposing cores can usually win u the game unless you do some very stupid shit


              its amazing how every bad palyesr adivce to bad players is to focus on last hitting or some shit when that stuff has 0 implication on the game in most cases. ive won games where im against sumail mid and i had 4 cs when he had 30 or something and the game didnt even end up being close so this whole line of reasoning is just dumb.

              learn how to play around the map and figure out the best thing to be doing at all times


                I made a thread that gives tips that works for anyone below 4K:



                  KR, farming well has huge impact in low MMR games. They can be won by that alone, AFK farming, since the bad players themselves don't farm at all or get towers or rosh, just look for kills and not even good ones.

                  However regardless of what bracket you're in, being as efficient as possible with everything you do is optimal, including farming. I think that is objective fact.

                  But you are right in a way, because you should think situationally. You can't get 60 cs in 10 minutes in every game, or even 40, or even 30, to win, sure it would be nice to have more but you should do what's correct for the situation. Sometimes you have to throw what the "right thing" is out the window because it becomes the wrong thing.

                  But to say farming means nothing in most cases? That's just incorrect. Unless you're way way better than your opponent you'll struggle to make such good decisions, that with low farm, you perform with superior decision making skills. The game becomes way easier when you simply do more damage than the enemy and can tank through all of their damage by a sliver, since that's how the game works. Spells that do 1000 damage are not strong if you've managed to farm a pipe on bristleback very fast, etc.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    that thread was actually surprisingly helpful
                    i expected the same boring, obvious advice as always, instead you pointed me to some things i never really even thought about


                      Im in the shit tier but i have a 54% winrate, so if i used my good heroes i think i cud make it out given time. Which i dont have rn FeelsBadMan


                        Tbh a pre 20 min bf on am, or pre 20 min bloodstone on timber or strom = instant win in the shit tier.


                          ^that still works on 2k rofl.

                          First of all try not to do some obvious retardation like;
                          contesting starting rune alone against 5 people, mindlessly chasing bristleback, ganking a full soul sf while ur team has low hp.

                          And sounds silly, learn how to farm. Seriously i squeeze 1500ish mmr (i started close to 3 digit mmr rofl), just by learning how to farm decently.

                          I mean, would u fight against a 30 mins 6 slotted sven?


                            i'll get home tomorrow and try to fuck some shit up, thanks.


                              @ OP: Yeah, pretty much just listen to..."Soy el jefe de los jefes"


                              ...let's just call him "Joe".

                              Joe has been posting around in such threads and he's actually tried to be of help. I agree with him on most things, but if you want to go into specifics of "how to git gud at Dotard" it's easier said than done.

                              How about this dude: tell me one field/ aspect of the game you want to improve in and I'll give you that advice.


                                When you're in a game, Look at the enemy team and ask yourself which heroes or combination of heroes do they have that can kill you? Make sure you always know where those heroes are. If you cant see those heroes on the map, move closer to your towers and stay safe.
                                For example, lets say you're an AM. Heroes like Venomancer, Abaddon, PA and Juggernaut are not a threat to you. You can safely split push without knowing where they are because if they come for you then you can blink away. Heroes like Storm, Doom, Drow and Slardar however are threats. They can solo kill you so if you don't know where they are then don't go out alone split pushing.
                                Heroes Like Shadow Shaman and CM probably aren't capable of solo killing you, but them plus any other enemy can. So if one of them plus another enemy is missing then stay back.
                                I know it sounds simple, but often people don't take a second to think about who on the enemy team is actually a threat to them and it gets them killed. As an extension to this, know who you can and cant kill and who youre capable of fighting against.


                                  Mechanics are important.

                                  But, I think the most important thing is HEART.

                                  If you love the game you will play it more. If you play it more you will improve. Dont spam ranked, only play ranked when you are in a really good mood for a game and you know that you wont fucking tilt till they take down every fucking building in you fucking base. You only have 1 rax left? GIVE THEM HELL to take it. Im a big nerd of the medieval fantasy genre, (Lord of the Rings, I get together twice a month to tabletop roleplay DnD, so on) have you ever just stopped amazed at the battle going on in front of you?

                                  Maybe im old as shit, but when I was 10 you had to read books to have acces to this worlds. Watch a video of Diablo II on YouTube.. do you have any idea the commotion it generated when it first came out? You felt like the future was now, people couldn't believe what they were playing. Diablo is much more a father to Dota than WC3 in some ways.
                                  Now you just get in a game and you have these amazing characters, with their own dialogues, their own spells, motives, back storys, loved ones, hated ones. They want vengance, knowledge, redemption.

                                  It's fucking amazing! Maybe you lost the game, but you were part of some epic shit for the last 50 minutes.


                                    yeah well i picked antimage and got a rampage in my first match so i guess it works thanks guys


                                      Ye if u wanna grind some mmr git gud at storm or ta. Storm especially against noobs ends up farming really fast, and just zipping around solo killing anyone and being way to hard for noobs like me to coordinate and kill. Ta is similar only she can kill basically anyone with a good blink timing and lvl 4 meld.


                                        Look up wagas ta guide. Its a tad bit outdated, but the basics r still true.


                                          Lmao KR. Because u are so autistic and egotistical u can't see beyond your own perspective.