General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys, can you rate my Spectre

Hey guys, can you rate my Spectre in General Discussion

    Yo guys im just 1 of those -1k trashes out their but i would like you guys to rate my spec.


      farming midas pass 10 min mark also midas isnt a thing for spec.
      No manta to scout for mines, dispel silence, assassination etc
      No diffusal to purge silence and slows
      Whats the sny for?

      King Dave

        1/10 qwer

        Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

          try this next level spec build:

          vanguard, phase, desolator

          :D :D :D


            ^ i will try that out some time


              @S-クラス16th:金属バット looks like i still have a very long way to go then... any suggestions?

              Potato Marshal

                You have no idea what a midas is for, therefore, never buy a midas ever again. Also dispersion scales like shit, max it out last, your main purpose should be to farm, then grab kills by haunting and using dagger.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Potato Marshal

                  Please don't buy desolator on spec. Desolate (spec's passive) does pure damage, you should be either rushing radiance, or getting items that help you teamfight and get haunt kills like urn.


                    ^ i get the rushing of radiance part but why not the deso?

                    Potato Marshal

                      I just told you, desolate does pure damage. Spec does very little physical right click damage.


                        dont get midas and shit items like deso, Manta is great since even your illusions benefit from your skill 2 passive. How to farm as spec? avoid lanes when all ms farm small camps and such take pick off in fights with dagger and haunt after that repeat until you have something like diffusal and manta also rushing radiance isn't wrong but most of the time getting manta and diffusal is way better.




                            daedulus on spec is dumb

                            Potato Marshal

                              Radiance is almost always the way to go with spec. You're a farming hero that can easily jump into fights or snipe down weak supports once you hit 6. Either rush radiance, or if you're having trouble farming, go for items like urn or drums. Your main strength lies in your ability to disrupt team fights from anywhere on the map globally.


                                Is vanguard ok to build?

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Vanguard is good, since it allows you to shrug off almost any harass, makes you incredibly survivable to ganks, and can build into an abyssal for very late game for lockdown.


                                    you only get vg later for an abyssal or you only get it early if they have a shit ton of physical heroes like PA and such.

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      :stunned: 1 ward ALL GAME long? :stunned:


                                        Dont rush VG
                                        If you wanna fight early go buy drum diffusal PMS urn and go full Badman shit
                                        Wanna go lategame? Radi manta and rest depends on situation
                                        If you wanna fight 1v1 go add up stats/agi/attack speed because desolate is PURE AND FUCK PHYSICAL DAMAGE OMG ITS PURE
                                        If you wanna teamfight buy raw hp items because you'll shit out aoe damage just by standing next to the enemy
                                        Phase for mobility and early fights
                                        Treads for farming
                                        Go pick one that fits your playstyle or the match situation


                                          161 LH
                                          Weird items
                                          3rd HD on a fucking spectre
                                          Work on it man



                                            If you get this items fast enough by pressing Q on people and killing them while farming you become immortal you didn't do almost of them 2 out of 10
                                            Never buy midas unless you get absolutely raped in your lane and forced to go jungle

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              Hey pro 1k here. I will try to check your game if my internet supports. You will rekt everyone if you follow this
                                              1. 4-1-1 build on spec
                                              2. Get phase urn aquila and rad split push all game when teamfight broke calculate power of your team vs them if you win then haunt and fight(must be obvious)
                                              3. See high mmr player farming pattern try to get at least 50 in a 2carryvs 2 carry lane. If you cant last hit try queling blade
                                              4. This seems odd but try to play spec on unfair bot if you win then you are ready to play another game with him


                                                Some explanation here
                                                Why radi?
                                                -gives huge teamfight damage boost when you finish it
                                                -best farming item for spectre (shit BF carrier)
                                                -great synergy with manta and spec is a natural manta carrier because manta illusions also proc desolate which deals pure damage WHICH IS WHY YOU DONT BUILD DESOLATOR BECAUSE ITS PURE OMG SJDHJDJD
                                                After that it depends on situation
                                                For manfighting against low mobility get skadi
                                                For 1v1s get butter or moon shard
                                                For high mobility enemies get abyssal
                                                Against teamfight oriented enemies get HoT to shit out damage just by standing
                                                Refresher against global enemies like io or NP


                                                  As for playstyle
                                                  -typical passive afk farming hard carry playstyle
                                                  Try to force fight when haunt is up
                                                  When a fight is about to happen, tp back to base if you're low AND has haunt up, reality on priority targets and dagger them + urn him if you has one, then get back to farming with your urn charges to sustain yourself (usually its enough charges for you to jungle until haunt is ready again if you won a fight)
                                                  Always check the map for free kills, then get back to farming location (u can reality back to your prev location or more than once to different heroes)
                                                  -fighter one
                                                  Go urn PMS drum diffusal or other early game items, and sustain yourself with urn charges and push while fighting all the time
                                                  Then later you'll build usual big items like manta, HoT or not since u already won in 20 minutes lul

                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                    desolate only works if the hero is alone XD XD XD




                                                        blademail is very good item on her i think. combined with maxed dispersion and radiance you melt teams alone.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Super Speed Snail

                                                          Ah, a fellow spectre spammer.

                                                          I too on a low mmr realm and decide spamming spectre.

                                                          Let me tell you the main point when ranking low mmr with spec.

                                                          Investigate about your team. Are they can manage to hold the early game? If not, you gonna need to extra carefull because enemy gonna swarm the jungle.

                                                          Practice your map awareness. I usually rush tread and vanguard so I can easily right click a jungle creep and focusing on minimap. I still cant do jungling and scanning map at the same time, I'm sure you also cant.

                                                          The best item to avoid spectre death is a ward combined with scroll. Just dagger to a trees or cliff to teleport when you see someone enter your jungle. Small amount gold every couple of minute wont as hurts as death penalty. You cant depend you team for a ward, you do it yourself.

                                                          Focus on map then haunt to kill assist or picking fleeing hero. This is gonna help you farm so much. This is why I always level up haunt when lv11. Not for the duration, but for the cooldown.

                                                          The items to go just manta and diffusal. Farm it fast and low ranked people wont be able to figure how to handle you. Tread, vang, diffusal then manta. If you can get 4 of those items fast, you cannot lose clash in low mmr.

                                                          Always push tower or roshan after win a clash. Remember this even when you play with other heroes.

                                                          If things goes passive and farm fest, which is quite often in low rank. the item to go are travel, manta, diffu, taras, cuirass, abyssal, and moonshard buff. Some people prefer 2nd taras instead of cuirass to exploit dispersion.

                                                          If things goes too fast, make an urn. Use it as killing tool. Urn then diffusal, after you haunting to a low health hero always result in an easy kill. It can also heal sometime, and giving extra passive health. Perfect cheap item in a pinch.

                                                          People will suggest BM. Never find it usefull. Because low mmr people like you and me usually missed the exact moment to use it. It also hinder manta quite long considering our low capability of farming.

                                                          People also suggesting radiance, we low mmr people cant farm fast enough to make radispectre a thing. Radiance on 30 minute is already a trash.

                                                          King of Low Prio


                                                            I was pretty drunk at the time so my item timing where really off since I cudnt last hit for shit but that is the general idea of what you should be trying to do as spec