General Discussion

General DiscussionInt hard carry

Int hard carry in General Discussion

    Since we don't have one, and both agi and str heroes has hard carries, what do you guys think?
    I would like to see something fresh for a new hero after monkey king, and just thought of this idea
    What do you guys think about it? Maybe a somewhat stats oriented DPS int hero? Post your thoughts


      silencer and OD can be hard carries I'm sure!


        closest thing we get for an int hc is od and silencer


          Since we don't have one
          then wtf is OD


            rip jacked beat me


              and there are many more int heroes that actually do a lot of dmg in lategame and are powerful af

              Potato Marshal

                OD is a hard carry, silencer is kind of a shitty carry since his glaives only double his damage unless you're up against incredibly high armored opponents, and he benefits most from utility items.




                    rclicking int heroes will kinda be lame unless they have a gimmick like OD since that stat is primarily just for increasing mana/manaregen and spell amp

                    well maybe some guy who's rclick damage uses his mana pool --> damage but meh lame idea


                      OD aint hard carry OD is bullshit in any stage of the game lmao
                      What I mean as "hard carry" is heroes that is only good in the lategame with high amount of farm
                      OD can just kill people any time past 10 minutes with only a force staff


                        Bws. That's because he is broken. Haha. Like when specter was good every aspect of the game but he was supposed to be a traditional hard carry.

                        Silencer is shit but he can kinda get hard carry with lots of int stolen and go full right click


                          My Dong is intelligent and hard as well.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            what the fuck is the point of them being intelligence if they are unable to utilize spells that have a static amount of damage ie they can only be good early game

                            what are they gonna do with all that int roflmao





                                they can cast more spells with it kappa

                                plus spell amplify is a stat now


                                  stat is a spell amplify*



                                    what i meant was that spell amplify is now a controlled parameter aka "stat" in game lingo cuz u can increase it with ur int

                                    i honestly feel dumb rn rofl

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      ah yes atk speed and dmg is now a stat, i feel like i just woke up lmao

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                                          Invoked isn't in the traditional right click sense. But he can definitely be a beast and carry late game

                                          DOOM: ETERNAL is now playing

                                            Furion and windranger can be strong as well but not as hard as the heroes mentioned above......

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              storm is an int hard carry
                                              od is an int hard carry
                                              tinker is an int hard carry
                                              invoker is an int hard carry

                                              what the fuck is the point of them being intelligence if they are unable to utilize spells that have a static amount of damage ie they can only be good early game

                                              what are they gonna do with all that int roflmao



                                                Int heroes are specifically designed to be about their active abilities mostly and if are good at right-clicking - countered by BKB.
                                                I think that if you just swapped heroes with their abilities int heroes would do much better because of how much they can spam spells. imagine an OD instead of Luna with her spells, or just switch juggers int and agility and see what happens. there are plenty of non-attribute-based DPS and defensive items out there. Only real sad stories are butterfly, because of not having evasion based item on int, and maybe diffusal. While int comes with shitload of items with utility.


                                                  I can remember Hao's QoP as hard carry


                                                    Storm, voker, od, tinker, qop - all can carry pretty hard with right items.


                                                      Qop cannot carry wut

                                                      Dr. Banana

                                                        What about NP?

                                                        ...if you go the right click build.

                                                        STE 8-1-8

                                                          Natures prophet is probably the closest dps int hero for what you are asking, od, storm and qop also have pretty good right clicks late game too.

                                                          Silencer has the potential for good dps as he has the highest agi gain of all int heros and his glaves is based on a percentage on his int and deal pure damage but is blocked by bkb, and he is let down by his farming speed.

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                                                          casual gamer

                                                            storms awesome lategame


                                                              Lina is underated fam


                                                                i think he means a hero that desperately needs items and a lot of them to make a big impact. like antimage spectre medusa morph naga.

                                                                thats the thing, pretty much all int heroes can already snowball in early game if they are ahead.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Uhh wtf? There's tons of int carries if itemized for it.

                                                                  Lina, built in right click passive. Lina with shivas, scythe, bloodthorne is right clicking like a beast.
                                                                  Silencer, same deal, that glaive dmg is nuts.
                                                                  Pugna, tower damaging spells, can 1v1 almost anyone with his ult, counters casters like crazy.
                                                                  NP, build for right click or rat.
                                                                  Invoker, this dude hits fucking hard late game, he is not only about spells.
                                                                  OD, nuff said
                                                                  Necrophos, not a right clicker but damn tanky, amazing ult. Can hard carry games.
                                                                  Storm spirit, right clicks very hard late, amazing cc, really hard to kill
                                                                  Tinker, no tower dmg but damn he will wipe your entire team with rocket spam.
                                                                  Windranger, nuff said
                                                                  DP can hard carry games kind of like necro, doesn't really right click but tanky and tower killer with ult
                                                                  Lesh used to be before he got nerfed so hard.

                                                                  Only one I disagree with is qop. Pros would build like orchid and ac on her and right click late but I don't like the build.


                                                                    well her natural items are shit like bloodthorn and sheep. so the rightclick comes on its own xD

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                                                                      Late game storm, tink, silencer, invoker, od, windranger, all are strong. However most r strong throughout the game, and the greediest one here is probably invoker

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        storm and to a lesser extent tinker are useless without farm

                                                                        od needs to be ahead


                                                                          Actually i carried hard with lina once.


                                                                          And windranger, but mostly because of dumb invoker feeder.


                                                                          Also if anyone wants a really orgasmic clip look at this game where void chronos me (silencer) in my jungle

                                                                          I have never KreyGasmed this hard in my life


                                                                            Pretty sure Storm outcarries shit like Naga and AM if he has a second hero who can hit buildings. If that isn't a hard carry then I don't know what is. Invoker also shits on 99% of heroes lategame if the player is any good.

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              int scales poorly into lategame cz unlike hp pool/attack speed/armor, u only need a limited amount of mana


                                                                                silencer can turn into a carry with int steals. and with w he can dish out pretty good dmg.


                                                                                  Go slahsers way for silencer its so funny. And stuff like glaives, arcane orb, lina passive, ball lightning, all scale extremely well into the late game. If u go storm against a team without disables, and it goes late u can solo anyone. Rearm also.


                                                                                    Basically its not abt the stat of int scaling but abt their spells scaling


                                                                                      Buff Windranger. Maybe not a hard carry, but pretty close late game


                                                                                        OD is u fak