General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone want to be coached by a 4.6k noob?

Anyone want to be coached by a 4.6k noob? in General Discussion

    I have free time right now .. anyone interested in free coaching? I have a mic and I'd love to give you tips, analyze a replay with you, etc. it would be better if you had a mic as well.

    I can also watch your game live and judge your actions.

    I would be able to confidently coach up to around 3k or so, the lower the better.

    Vem Comigo

      2k it would be good, whenever we have free time, i would love some tips.


        hey I was afk, I added you on steam. I'm doing battle cup in 2 hours and 30 mins from now so we have a good amount of time


          I would love to be coached,but i play pretty randomly between day and night.U on all day?


            I work monday to friday but on weekends usually I'm on

            Today I'll be on all day so it's a good time

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            Vem Comigo

              sorry right now i cant hey enter the discord channel on the inhouse topic, we can see when we are free at the same time.


                Teach me how to VHS senpai? LUL

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Sure I can try to give you some of my thoughts on how to get out of 3.5k. I'll add you


                    Its okay, I was trolling, also Im not 3500 anymore Im in 2k shit hole :D But you can watch one game and give thoughts I guess xD


                      ehhh I'd rather do 1 on 1 talking to each other or else it's not the same


                        How do you mean? Ingame voice chat in real time when Im playing match? Thats deep xD


                          Nah, we can talk on Discord or on steam chat and you can broadcast your dota gameplay to me via steam chat as well.


                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Im online tonight,so can u specs my game and u the coaching stuff.


                              I can after battle cup, but hopefully it's not a hero like techies. I can still give plenty advice on that but I'm no techies expert lol


                                I cant broadcast, I dont have PC nor NET for that.. I accepted you on steam so you can watch me ingame. Also Im not able to do it now, maybe tomorrow ill message you to make sure when you can do it. Thanks for opportunity :)

                                Btw we are all on Discord here so you can join:

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  It's ok lol,u just need to coach 2 of my games which one is obviously Techies but the other would be some random core.I'm from SEA though,so I don't know the time difference.

                                  suck dick for pma

                                    I could use a few pointers, add me bro.

                                    3.4k player, US west/east

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      i want i want i want
                                      i need to get my mmr higher and show the world that i can stand on TI's stage, and my english isnt good tho.
                                      3k SEA

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        kk I adddd


                                          Hey,are u free 3-4 hours from now?


                                            I would love some coaching but i won't be off work until 6pm EST. Can you review this match for me? I have a hard time and get tilted when i feel like people are intentionally being dicks, but there must have been some way for me to recover, i just lack the skill to see it.

                                            currently 2.5k US east

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다