General Discussion


BAN NEW ACCOUNTS LIKE THIS in General Discussion
diox TOXIC NUB. WHY ISN'T THE CHAT BUTTON FOR NEWBIES ISN'T MUTE THEIR FREAKING DISGUSTING AND NOOB. he is a smurfer and im a smurfer but im not toxic like this mother .......


      How many topics exactly do u have to make each day?


        Downi sündroom ehk trisoomia 21 (lühend DS) on inimese kõige levinum kromosoomhaigus. Seda põhjustab 95 protsendil juhtudest 21. kromosoomi trisoomia (21. kromosoomist on 3 eksemplari, normaalne on 2), ülejäänud võivad olla 21. kromosoomi translokatsiooni mõjul. Downi sündroom sai oma nime inglise arsti John Langdon-Downi järgi, kes kirjeldas seda kromosoomihaigust esmakordselt aastal 1866.




            Intellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability,[2] and mental retardation (MR),[3][4] is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ score under 70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living. Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills in their environments. As a result of this focus on the person's abilities in practice, a person with an unusually low IQ may not be considered intellectually disabled. Intellectual disability is subdivided into syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits associated with other medical and behavioral signs and symptoms are present, and non-syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits appear without other abnormalities. Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome are examples of syndromic intellectual disabilities.

            Intellectual disability affects about 2–3% of the general population. Seventy-five to ninety percent of the affected people have mild intellectual disability. Non-syndromic or idiopathic cases account for 30–50% of cases. About a quarter of cases are caused by a genetic disorder,[5] and about 5% of cases are inherited from a person's parents.[6] Cases of unknown cause affect about 95 million people as of 2013.[7]

            The terms used for this condition are subject to a process called the euphemism treadmill. This means that whatever term is chosen for this condition, it eventually becomes perceived as an insult. The terms mental retardation and mentally retarded were invented in the middle of the 20th century to replace the previous set of terms, which were deemed to have become offensive. By the end of the 20th century, these terms themselves have come to be widely seen as disparaging, politically incorrect, and in need of replacement.[8] The term intellectual disability is now preferred by most advocates and researchers in most English-speaking countries.[3][4] As of 2015, the term "mental retardation" is still used by the World Health Organization in the ICD-10 codes, which have a section titled "Mental Retardation" (codes F70–F79). In the next revision, the ICD-11 is expected to replace the term mental retardation with either intellectual disability or intellectual developmental disorder, which the DSM-5 already uses.[9][10] Because of its specificity and lack of confusion with other conditions, the term "mental retardation" is still sometimes used in professional medical settings around the world, such as formal scientific research and health insurance paperwork.[11]

            pls be patient very noob ...


              General Discussion

              diox 6 hours ago
     TOXIC NUB. WHY ISN'T THE CHAT BUTTON FOR NEWBIES ISN'T MUTE THEIR FREAKING DISGUSTING AND NOOB. he is a smurfer and im a smurfer but im not toxic like this mother .......

              dont feed :( 6 hours ago
              How many topics exactly do u have to make each day?

              inx4c 6 hours ago
              Downi sündroom ehk trisoomia 21 (lühend DS) on inimese kõige levinum kromosoomhaigus. Seda põhjustab 95 protsendil juhtudest 21. kromosoomi trisoomia (21. kromosoomist on 3 eksemplari, normaalne on 2), ülejäänud võivad olla 21. kromosoomi translokatsiooni mõjul. Downi sündroom sai oma nime inglise arsti John Langdon-Downi järgi, kes kirjeldas seda kromosoomihaigust esmakordselt aastal 1866.

              Individualist 5 hours ago

              YAN 4 hours ago
              Intellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability,[2] and mental retardation (MR),[3][4] is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ score under 70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living. Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills in their environments. As a result of this focus on the person's abilities in practice, a person with an unusually low IQ may not be considered intellectually disabled. Intellectual disability is subdivided into syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits associated with other medical and behavioral signs and symptoms are present, and non-syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits appear without other abnormalities. Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome are examples of syndromic intellectual disabilities.
              Intellectual disability affects about 2–3% of the general population. Seventy-five to ninety percent of the affected people have mild intellectual disability. Non-syndromic or idiopathic cases account for 30–50% of cases. About a quarter of cases are caused by a genetic disorder,[5] and about 5% of cases are inherited from a person's parents.[6] Cases of unknown cause affect about 95 million people as of 2013.[7]
              The terms used for this condition are subject to a process called the euphemism treadmill. This means that whatever term is chosen for this condition, it eventually becomes perceived as an insult. The terms mental retardation and mentally retarded were invented in the middle of the 20th century to replace the previous set of terms, which were deemed to have become offensive. By the end of the 20th century, these terms themselves have come to be widely seen as disparaging, politically incorrect, and in need of replacement.[8] The term intellectual disability is now preferred by most advocates and researchers in most English-speaking countries.[3][4] As of 2015, the term "mental retardation" is still used by the World Health Organization in the ICD-10 codes, which have a section titled "Mental Retardation" (codes F70–F79). In the next revision, the ICD-11 is expected to replace the term mental retardation with either intellectual disability or intellectual developmental disorder, which the DSM-5 already uses.[9][10] Because of its specificity and lack of confusion with other conditions, the term "mental retardation" is still sometimes used in professional medical settings around the world, such as formal scientific research and health insurance paperwork.[11]


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                Why aren't mods banning him


                  He is so offensive I'm hurt


                    Downi sündroom ehk trisoomia 21 (lühend DS) on inimese kõige levinum kromosoomhaigus. Seda põhjustab 95 protsendil juhtudest 21. kromosoomi trisoomia (21. kromosoomist on 3 eksemplari, normaalne on 2), ülejäänud võivad olla 21. kromosoomi translokatsiooni mõjul. Downi sündroom sai oma nime inglise arsti John Langdon-Downi järgi, kes kirjeldas seda kromosoomihaigust esmakordselt aastal 1866.


                      That's what most people have to deal with in Dota 2


                        @wintersun yah but its so annoying like, valve should really do something about that (especially in 3.5k - 4.5k bracket) too many new account toxic retards there, i really cant deal with them, whenever i see their profile and its like lvl 20, 21 or 22 i immediately want to leave the game. plus, they never want to use support role. i always assumed that their old account is just probably lower than 3k, since its so easy to get 4k TBD, everyone is doing it by spamming cores and ended up ruined my games :(
                        just hope valve can just make a new account player vs new account player (until level 35) or maybe trophy experience limit.



                          I totally agree. I am struggled more at 3.3-3.5k mmr than from 3.7 to 4.1k.

                          People at my current bracket are worse than in 3.3-3.5k, I am not even joking. It's always the same, people calibrate at 4k or so by abusing something somehow in the TBD matches and get an higher MMR than they should. If they drop MMR, they will simply create a new account and calibrate with it again.

                          I can't coutn how many accounts I have seen where their are either level 22, HUGE lose streak (also low level) and pick cores only.

                          Just take a look at my last match which pissed me off so hard I quit for the day :


                          Absolute shitty 1k MMR draft on BOTH sides. We won early game quite hard tho and I tried to persuade my teammates to get towers by voice and textchat but they simply ignored me and called me out when they got our ancient. The whole team just kept farming in ht ejungle ( the three other cores in the same dire jungle rofl)

                          so pissed, ill take a break for a few days and hope i will recieve more mature mates who actually know how to play the game and not only one hero.

                          The Medic Guy

                            no k?


                              We've done the K on him
                              This one is tough he won't go away with a single K


                                I feel so blessed everytime i didnt see this kind of player, they are really a ruiner in 3k-4k bracket (even some people got 5k) luckily i can get up to 4k immediately

                                casual gamer

                                  wintersun you need to farm on weaver @_@

                                  go solo push lanes and jungle and accumulate wealth. if they dont stop u take towers


                                    lol there are too many heroes i can spam to get higher mmr yet i cant lock myself in one and end up not spamming ...


                                      Weaver one of them