General Discussion

General Discussionbane dual offlane max enfeeble

bane dual offlane max enfeeble in General Discussion


    Potato Marshal

      Not sure why that would be better than soul ring + max brain sap.


        because you prevent carry from taking a single lasthit in a lane? that shit's undispellable

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        Potato Marshal

          Why not just harass him out of lane so he can't last hit? Maybe even get a kill? And 95 mana might not seem like a lot, but to cast if non-stop every 20 seconds? You won't be able to cast it for more than 2 minutes unless you buy a ton of clarities. Brain sap however can be spammed because the heal negates the damage from soul ring.

          Hatsune Miku

            enfeeble is weird early game


              Tbh why passively prevent farm on a hero who falls off dramatically hard after like 20 min when u can set up banks aggressively with nightmare and just kill the carry with brain sap.


                well idk

                but i tilted pretty hard when he spammed it on me

                was forced to jungle since lvl 1 as slark

                but that did force him to stay on me so i guess if my team was competent enough to make use of that advantage we could have won.

                brain sap is simple, you eat a tango and fight back.
                against enfeeble you can't really do anything.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Johnny Rico

                  i last hit, with 25 dmg morph all strengh on us east with 150 ping, lanning against a jug ,lul low dmg doesnt prevent last hitting.


                    uhh 25 damage is more than you have against bane, idiot

                    and if you manage to lasthit against a jugg like that, you can be sure that the jugg is not above 2k mmr.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      ^ but it is a good way to tilt the enemy carry LUL


                        Dude enfeeble doesn't even stop u from rotating on a squishy into hero with no escape. Pounce and dark pact with a support especially like ogre or other roamers bane wud have a nightmare in the offlane.


                          haha you are ridiculous if you think you can kill anybody as slark with <10 rightclick damage.

                          i guess you just forgot dark pact damages slark too, therefore its not really usable as a nuke spell in a teamfight early game when slark has a below average hp pool.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Did I say solo? I meant any support and bane is kill. As in ur team rotates on him and u use minimum pounce to hold him there.


                              well i said dual offlane, he has his own core offlaner to help him. so no you can't rotate on him with 1 support, with 2 it would be possible but to expect 2 supports helping you in a fucking pub is unreasonable.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Dude a bane with enfeeble is a walking creep dude literally anyone can kill him with say a venge or ogre coming round running at the fool. Plus lvl 1,2 enfeeble isn't even good enough to net a slark <10 DMG, u can trade so easily with essence shift. And with a second support its overkill ur running the poor bastard over. Understand enfeeble is strong enough to mitigate all the magic burst being thrown around early to mid game.


                                  Wtf is the core offlaner gonna do? 1v2 with a purple creep to back him up.


                                    pretty much any offlaner+bane combo can kill both slark and the support if you were to jump on bane as an enfeebled slark.

                                    also have you heard of nightmare? it is pretty good at turning around such ganks.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      I feel like u guys are underestimating the psychological aspect of tilting the enemy w max enfeeble


                                        Lol there is a problem and that is ur nightmare isn't maxed and lasts 4 seconds. BTW ur sacrificing brain sap a pure DMG nuke and heal or nightmare a huge set up for banks for a DMG and reduction and wasting so much roam potential to lane a squishy hero in the offlane with no escape. Even if bane nightmares he can't fight cuz he doesn't have brain sap, and proceeds to get the shit zoned out of him by a disruptor or skywrath.


                                          "only" 4 seconds.

                                          i understand that max enfeeble first on bane isnt a very legit strat in general, but its pretty nice at shutting down carry. had they contested my pull-jungle of the easy camp and stuff like that id have not gotten a min 13 sb and would be pretty much useless all game.

                                          but think a bit. most offlaners are really good at punishing over-extension such as slark pouncing a bane. void can just kill slark since he uses pounce offensively leaving self vulnerable - axe can call and mess the gank up and maybe even get a double kill with lucky helixes - bristle can probably double kill too using his quills - timber also easily double kill if he doesnt max armor first - holy shit clinkz - drow strat weaver 100% double kill - centaur/abaddon same shit

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Please never do that, youll just end up being forced out of lane or sending yourself regen over and over, brain sap is much better.
                                            Say your mid comes to gank, you offer nothing to the gank if you max enfeeble. Until next patch and say enfeeble gets a massive buff, stick to the normal skill build

                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                look im not suggesting you should do that. just saying that its extremely annoying when bane puts enfeeble on you as a carry in te early game. you just can't lasthit because level 2 enfeeble already puts you at less than 10 dmg.

                                                however in my case when he put more than 2 points in enfeeble i realised he's retarded. why the hell would you need to gimp 90 damage from slark with ~70 dmg.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                  Try it on yourself. Play as a bane with a 4/2/0/1 at lvl7 build and compare it with the usual 0/4/2/1 lvl7 build.

                                                  Lof of bane player don't max enfeeble coz of its high mana cost. And like the other dude sade, the brain sap + soul ring combo is a more way to harrass a carry. Afterall, being low hp is more scary than being a low damage.

                                                  4pos pudge/grim only

                                                    bane maxing enfeeble in laning phase is so dota 1 like. but i understand the pure hatred from those who were targetted by enfeeble because its annoying af. brain sap is definitely a strong pure dmg nuke, but consider 2/1/2 build. even level 2 enfeeble will render most carry to below 20 dmg, and trading hit is pretty okay because bane has among the highest base stats in the game (his rightclick is kinda ok i guess, at least in the laning phase). yes that build may make him like a creep, but the enemy carry cant take any advantage of that because he is a creep itself regarding the dmg. but regarding the original topic, yep the bane is retard if he actually go for 4/1/1/1 at level 7.


                                                      "i have max enfeeble we kill slark ez"

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        i think the bane was smart for maxing enfeeble first, because against a slark spamming brain sap wont mean shit because of shadow dance's passive regen

                                                        against other carries though, maybe something like a sven brain sap and soul ring is far superior


                                                          I have only played against this once or twice and not for a long time. It is ultra cancerous in the laning phase but without brain sap damage Bane falls off like a rock once the lanes break up.


                                                            If you play bane in ns and against me i would insta abandon coz most of the time i an the only hope on the team lol. The build is ok coz you sacrifice yourself for the enemy carry. Max it for a very timing reliant hero like anti mage, spec, morph. But not who can jungle well like sven slark with talon void with talon.


                                                              Hey try levelit only until lv 2 since -60 damage is high enough to make enemy misarable. Or if the guy is very pro at lh at 20 damage then make it lv 3


                                                                Here's an idea, dual laning with bane against a carry? Brain sap him non stop and attack him he will be forced to stay bear tower and not even get close to xp range if u both stay between tower and wave and wave dont be pushed


                                                                  Maxing it doesn't seem necessary almost in all cases. If you really want to give the enemy carry cancer get maybe 2 points early and max it by level 9 or 10. If you are running a stale dual off it might be viable to skip sleep altogether, but if you skip brain sap your enemies will have good opportunities to kill you. After all, not that many carries rely on their auto-attacks to do everything for them, especially early (Jug, Luna etc.).


                                                                    enfeble is a weird skill, so hard to use in early game, and no so efective in late game.. wont work IMO

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      im sure 2 lvls enfeeble + necrophos/huskar or whatever strong lane partner is super strong and you can come into the midgame far ahead and possibly with a free rosh

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        Why do pros not get enfeeble even after all other spells are maxed out tho it's weird i dont get it such strong spell being skipped

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          using it negatively impacts their positioning too much to be worth it

                                                                          that or they are braindead i guess

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            Max enfeeble = tilted carry = courier hype trains. And 4 reports from your teammates.

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              Animal Courier
                                                                              Courier purchase cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 2 minutes
                                                                              Animal Courier cost decreased from 120 to 100

                                                                              rip courier trains

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                ^ start buying min 0 and you can get a nice one by the end of the game, just hide them in stash

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  but that would me planning to throw from min 0, and that is not cool :(

                                                                                  babyrage throws from stupid teammates and even worse plays are the only excuses for cour trains tbh

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    its just a 50 gpm meme tax dude

                                                                                    just dont do it in ranked xd


                                                                                      But... But they're so cute :3

                                                                                      M U R D E R

                                                                                        Ok you dont have to max enfeeble first. 2-3 levels is more than enough to prevent carry from lasthitting. Even 1 level allows you to deny him literally everything in the lane.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          Dude that sounds awesome, nightmare you only need a value pt, brain sap is awesome yes but I could see a 2/2/1/1 build being very effective.