General Discussion

General DiscussionEmber Spirit for MMR

Ember Spirit for MMR in General Discussion

    What do you guys think of spamming this guy? I'm low 2k mmr and I only ever have problems if literally they have legion silencer with refresher and all that jazz but I still end up doing alright.
    So my question is, should I spam this guy and is it ok to pick him early and do I really have to worry about 'counters'.
    My build is just ur regular BOTS into BF, Linkens etc.


      Its very easy in 2k bracket, because people group up and cleave gets real.


        Bad idea. If u wanna cleave pick Sven


          Its not, because i have played ember in normal skill and went something like 30-0 every game. U get an advantage and then buy a rapier and thats it.


            ehhh, there are better heroes to spam
            heroes like axe,timber are better


              hes not that worth it imo

              it takes a lot of games to be really good with him but the pay off isnt good, kinda like WR


                I played various heroes and had the best scores by far with ember. Go mid, outplay your opponent, or at least get some farm, WATCH MINIMAP, with one tp u can easily get 2 kills, always watch both lanes and whats happening, if the enemy dives, and u are level 6, its a kill for u most likely. Get objectives, and as i said, they group up every time, its easy to kill them. Get defensive item(s) when its needed, like manta or linkens, even bkb sometimes.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  dmg output is negligible compared to other carries with cheaper items unless you have something like a daed and a dr


                    very dependent on snowballing. needs rapier to win games.


                      I like him a lot i pretty much solely used him to get out of 2k but like the others say he's so farm dependent, you have an amazing early game, unless your stomping your mid games kinda weak till you get either mobility blink or damage daedalus , likens is always a safe choice but some people prefer manta . Your late games really strong but mid game with ember is all split push well thats at least how i play him anyways


                        I saw a guy in vhs smurf playing only ember except like 3 games and all his games he was 59593839/0/484992


                          Ember IMO is too inconsistent, cuz if u try to spam him sure ull do fine in low bracket, but when supports start roaming and lanes get tougher and farm isnt always something that comes easily, ember will suffer. He needs a bf and deed to have the same effect as a Sven with blink echo.