General Discussion

General Discussionteam fight heroes

team fight heroes in General Discussion

    What heroes can be called as best team fight hero in most lineup.


      aoe stuns like SK and slardar


        Yeah as he said anything area of effect. Warlock, Elder Titan, enigma, magnus, tide hunter, witch doctor, cm, faceless void, Sven, timbersaw, sand king, lich, outworld devourer, Templar assassin, meepo omniknight invoker medusa death prophet. I'm sure I'm missing a few still but all these heros can pretty much thrive in any lineup.

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          dark seer sk slard enigma void voker


            Jack I don't think all of them can work in any lineup. Those with channeled spells are very easily countered in team fight. For eg wd and cm. Yes they contribute a lot but as I said 'MOST'.
            SK is really good.
            Personally I like venomancer alot cause even if you die your ultimate does insane dmg especially in early team fights.

            Ivent played sardar so I'll take Mr blue stars word for it.
            Void and invoker are really good. But voids bad chrono mean rip team😂

            Omni knight should be placed among top team fight hero.


              did u ever try venomancer poison nova + ancient aparition ice blast? i called the LEMON ICECREAM, when both have scepter, and under the effect of veil of discord, it is IMPOSIBLE to stay alive without bkb or multi barriers hahaha

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                I saw it on doto wtf

                Putins Price Hike

                  chilling touch is not aas ult


                    - Faceless Void (Chronosphere)
                    - Slardar (Amp to all Phys. Damage, AoE Stun)
                    - Invoker (Lots of magic damage, v. versatile)
                    - Magnus (Allies have damage buff, AoE stun)
                    - Disruptor (5-7 sec AoE silence/mute)

                    These are all pretty versatile and strong with most lineups.


                      @NotMyPrecedent u right, correct name is ICE BLAST, ty..
                      @Daddy i saw it in a pro game, didnt remember which

                      casual gamer

                        also heroes who have a fuckton of magical damage ie zeus phx


                            No man I play in low bracket. But I know the combo. It's insane. It's tough to find a good aa player in pubs


                              Disruptor is fun to play. You see enemy tping you use your w(forgot the name) type bye bye


                                Winter wyvern is pretty good too

                                Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                                  pick riki and distruptor :D :D two aoe silence


                                    sk void slardar magnus can fit almost any lineup tho mag should really be mid

                                    timber is really good at dealing massive aoe damage esp against strength heroes but he has direct counters

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                      Look at the damage difference


                                        Dude u had a 50 min game, mines was 30 ish.


                                          Also puck, riki is one of the dirtiest combos in dota, u dream coil everyone in smoke cloud, so if the stay they're silenced and miss, if they leave they get stunned, and the whole time getting hit from riki.


                                            Not comparing just saying the dmg dealing is insane


                                              You can see my team was dogshit


                                                What if Riki's ultimate and void put chrono on it?
                                                Will it work


                                                  why don't you just try it in a lobby


                                                    Ye its like chronoing a puck in phase shift, nothing happens to the riki/puck.

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      Quiet Man aka Silencer.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I was going to say winter wyvern but you beat me to it. The ult is just amazing.

                                                        I think tide double ravage is sweet too


                                                          In ns people whiff so many things on wyvern ulti that it hurts man.

                                                          Super Speed Snail

                                                            Quadtruple warlock golem also insane.

                                                            Stun 2 times 1 sec. And burns the battlefield. Not to mention a tower sieger that hard to taken down.

                                                            Though, lion, bane, and rhasta is the team fighter. Their number of disable is nasty.


                                                              Rhasta isn't a good team fighter as he only disables 2 heroes,1 at the cost of him immobilizing himself. He is a gr8 sister, and ganker.


                                                                I meant gr8 pusher lol not sister fuck autocorrect

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  In pubs witch dr with aghs will wipe teams too cus no one disables him.


                                                                    1.2 k bd with Zeus. Whoa no wonder you have blue star. Zeus right click dmg on tower is shit