General Discussion

General DiscussionTimings for AM's alternate builds?

Timings for AM's alternate builds? in General Discussion

    Had a random spectre so I went AM offlane to try echo vanguard basher build

    I got my echo at 12 minutes, vanguard around 19 minutes IIRC, but against alch without bf I didn't keep up with farm and we eventually lost a base defense.

    Whats the optimal timings for echo vanguard?


      Eblade around 15 min


        I think it's both vang echo around 16 mins. Same as bf. Usually go vang first


          AM games have been so frustrating. Im not a good player but I have been trying to improve my farming patterns and AM helps me solidify them

          I can get good farm and get BoT and defend 2 lanes, but the 3rd one always goes down. I honestly need help in order to be able to 1v5 more effectively.

          If anyone who understands AM at a higher skill level than me wouldn't mind me adding and discussing AM with them, I'd be extremely grateful.

          Also, any tips with regards to being able to take care of this game solo?

          Once I died without bb, for abyssal (bad idea), we lost before I could even spawn

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            wow holy shit ur tower dmg as am is really bad. what were u so afraid of in that game? also usually get abysal before u go butterfly.

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              I usually try my best to push hard and my recent games as AM ive seen that I usually have 4-7k tower dmg and low hero dmg.

              this game though after we started getting the first t2 tower, our team just went full crazy on bad fights and from that point we couldnt leave our base. i could push out but not reach any tower

              very good csgo player

                Hahaahahahaah you just dogshit lost to a 15 min midas slark. Hahaha nice


                  What people don't understand is that AM is a situational hero. He is not a hero which you can spam every game. You are supposed to pick AM only when the enemy team has a ton of magical damage. Otherwise against a PA or a Sven, AM is just crap. I'd suggest you that always look at the enemy team picks before first picking AM and then losing the game.


                    I smurfed this account and what I can share when I play AM is that i'd do anything for a last hit lmao.I even blink ranged creeps just to kill them. 😂


                      I pick AM a lot and win a lot, you just have to not be bad at the hero. In fact sadly on AU servers people ban it vs me all the time so I only get to play it in 50% of my games.

                      I'd get abyssal straight after manta most games especially in pubs because that's how you kill people. That game you probably should have gotten abyssal+aegis and just ended, seeing as you had 19 minute bf+manta and lost to people who got their core items after 25 minutes you probably leaked some stupid deaths when your relative advantage was biggest and then got into a long game vs bloodseeker and three cores with empower. Feel free to add me if you want to ask me shit about AM I don't really mind.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        good thing is that u get u seem to be able to get ur bf really quick. for the life of me i can never get a 12 min bf.



                          Watch this video.

                          Watch Black playing antimage. Do what he does.

                          MOST IMPORTANT RULE AT START:

                          DO NOT DIE.

                          Am can outfarm every other hero in the game. If you are dead, you do not farm.

                          I. The Start:

                          Go on lane with stoutshield, 1 salve, 2 pair of tangos and a branch. In some games you might skip one pair of tangos or the salve and get a casual Rop or a slipper, or more branches. Some of these are good. You need enough regen. I see so many antimages go QB + stoutshield and 1 pair of tango. After their tangos are gone they hug the tower, cause they are low on hp and hope to get that ROH running. This slows down your farm too much. The regen is badly needed against many heroes. For example timbersaw, tide and bristle become quite unimpressive offlaners without mana. Some even become killable (void). So you have to trade hits with them early on. You can do that, with enough regen.

                          Long story short: You need enough regen.

                          II. The laning phase

                          Get your battlefury as fast as possible. Some games its better to keep the lanequilibrium. If the enemy has a dangerous duallane, thats the way to play.

                          If you want a fast tower, and the enemy abandons lane, you can creepskip.

                          If you want to maximize your farm autoattack after ROH, so your creeps reach the tower and fight the next wave under the enemy offlane t1. During this time you jump to the big neutral camp and get it. By doing this you lose max 1 creep, that dies to your own creeps, but in return you get the neutral camp. Thats the fastes way to farm.

                          If you face alot of harrassment get roh and ror. That might help. You can even get an early basillus, so you can blink more often, if you have to hit jungle.

                          Just do not try to rush that battlefury too stubborn, if it doesnt work. In some games even a vanguard before battlefury might be a good option (rare case).

                          Never ever go brown boots into battlefury. The extra hp treads and a pms offer you, might save your life. The most important thing as am is always:

                          DO NOT DIE.

                          II. Battlefury

                          Thats the huge step you need to get. Next item should be vlads in 99% of all cases. Sometimes you need a faster manta (silences) in some games a linkens can help (against lc for example). You need to learn effective farming patterns. That comes by time. Watch good players playing am. They use always the same short routes to farm. Keep an eye on the clock. Clearing the jungle at the right time and beeing on a lane to farm the incoming wave, to hit the jungle shortly after, is the way to play. That can only be learned by watching pros and playing alot of antimage. How to move arround the map. By min 22 you should have a vlads, battlefury and a yasha. Now you are also good to fight. If your team gathers for a fight you need to decide:

                          1. Join fight?

                          2. Splitpush?

                          Tough decision. Depends on how good is your team doing with and without you. If your team is doing great without you, splitpush. If your team needs youi: Can you make a difference? If yes, you should stay close to your team for clashes. You should also fight, when you are sure, that you can kill. Comes with xp.

                          Rule of thumb for beginners: Farm, do not fight.

                          III. Lategame

                          Splitpush, but do not put yourself in danger. If your team is behind, and you are sieged, you need to break the siege asap. If you see enemy team gathering and moving towards your base as 5, you should allready be close the enemy river with your creepwave by splitpushing. You need to force them back to buy time. If they tp and try to catch you: Good. They cant break your base. sometimes even a stuipid hero, that cant def alone against you tps back. Kill him, but do not risk yourself.

                          DO NOT DIE.

                          If you are ahead, just go and try to break base.

                          You can solorosh with vlads, manta. Always an option to look for.

                          Am is great. Best hero in doto, but not the easiest to master.


                            nice guide

                            pls be patient very noob ...

                              Luna = ranged AM. I think it's a good place to start.