General Discussion

General DiscussionA problem that I've faced with am

A problem that I've faced with am in General Discussion

    How do you
    1. Solo as am ( if your team does not decide to support you, and say you third picked am) versus a duel offlane?
    2. How do you keep up farm if you are facing a cancorous lane?
    If it's 2v1 obviously I'll be fine and in some cases 1v1 lane for am is still easy, but other times I will fall behind.
    Any tips?


      1. u should try to figure out if your team is going to help and the lane will succeed before you pick AM, but lets say you 1st picked or something..

      .. in that case just buy lots of regen, try to get a RoH or Headdress ASAP, pull aggro on creeps to secure last hits and just don't die. you're playing catch-up antimage now accept it and move on. if you're 1v2 you SHOULD be winning your other lanes. And if you aren't, you were going to lose anyway.

      2. pull creep aggro during lane phase to get LH. then just jungle and farm anywhere the enemy is not. if they rotate on you, go TP across the map. dodge them until you are strong enough to fight. if you have to fight but are weak, just look for a good mana void or an easy kill, don't die, dying when behind is the worst for antimage.


        max blink and 1 point on magic shield, buy poor man shield and regeneration, try to farm closer to tower and DONT GO BATTLE FURY..
        try to build earlier items, and participate in fights.. vanguard, manta, basher, even shadow blade or sabre..


          u can still go battlefury

          3k advice = best advice

          Riguma Borusu

            don't listen to sarllo please

            there is nothing more depressing than seeing an antimage finally get some farm just to go for items that don't help him farm and he's gonna get outfarmed by the enemy carry

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Definetley buy battlefury, but ull have to delay it for a headdress. Always buy treads. And never stop farming in between pushes and fights. Here is a comeback am game, I'd also like any advice. Keep in mind I'm shit and haven't played in a while
              My criticism now is buying heart over butterfly, and underestimating the disruptor.
              Never underestimate the last tax.


                I meant rax not tax


                  If enemy dual off are strong AF shit like ds + clock, AND your safe lane is a ranged carry who contests for every single last hit leaving none for you, you might as well abandon (literally 1v3 lane)

                  Playing from behind is shit as am, so try to steal farm from other lanes. Mid, offlane heroes who either already hit 6 or doesn't need as much EXP to be efficient can be told to fuck off from their lane. Sure people may be pissed off but it is better than to be told you suck for having Treads Headress at min 20 with absolutely no space to farm

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    as an emergency build i guess you could buy iron talon and shift into jungle.

                    i've done it before in low priority and it works fine.

                    but ofc in a real game with teammates with brains don't do this because they will make space for you.


                      If u get shoven into the offlane a vang before bf cud b good

                      Riguma Borusu

                        it wouldn't because it will delay your battlefury without really giving you anything you aren't getting anyway - you are getting ring of health and antimage needs perseverance more than he needs vanguard's damage block or hp

                        also why the fuck would you be in the offlane as antimage unless you're seriously just dodging a lane to get a favorable matchup

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                          XD XD XD

                          offlane antimage lul

                          oh i guess dotabuff doesn't show it but i started offlane for about 5 mins

                          nvm it does show u just gotta mouse over the icon

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Riguma Borusu

                            ye apparently you trilaned with lich and tide

                            I got a few "roaming" ratings for starting in enemy jungle


                              My last game, i had a wind in my lane who said she was going sup, but just sapped exp then wanted to carry all of a sudden, then left me vs a necro who was higher level then me. i was able to get some last hits but had to be careful bc their bs was roaming. thankfully after lanes broke up i was able to split push and farm, and after getting a 17 or 18 min bf i flashed farmed everything i could. playing catch up am sucks but it is doable. thank you for the tips


                                I recently went pms and roh and headdress and found it to be really good in hard lanes. They can't harass u that much and u just pull aggro. U can always jungle too. They waste a lot of resources and mana if they wanna try and harass u.


                                  In low tier pubs sometimes heroes get shoved into weird lanes ok


                                    I much prefer a solo hardlane to a dual lane as am though. Most of the time supports are more of a burden and the levels let u outplay the enemy
                                    More. Also having someone contesting ur last hit, only to put u in a bad position, while u miss ur last hit and tank 10k harass dmg and get no help from ur support who is using you as bait to get last hits

                                    I have no idea what goes on in these "support" players head


                                      Not to mention prioritizing auto attacking the wave as opposed to trying to maintain Creep equilibrium or harassing. Seriously. If support players in 1k and 2k bracket learn these simple concepts they will get 3k in no time.


                                        Shadow blade on AM LUL Wutface cancer doto xd


                                          ^ ppl are getting it on mid am kek. Not surprising given the recent effectiveness of blink+Shadow blade combos on a lot of heroes


                                            1. lots of regen, use aggro control to not miss any LH
                                            2. depends on severity of the lane, but it shouldn't be an issue to just use aggro and separate creeps to take at least 3/4 creeps every wave.


                                              i LITerally said EXACTly thisS u fCUCK^$#^#$^$#%#@U*($%RU(@ #%^TU(Q#$% (UI^TYESAU(J%TYGx4