General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with a drow strat

How to deal with a drow strat in General Discussion

    Been losing against tons of drow + od strats and I'm unsure how to play around it and what heroes to pick.


      pick heroes that can hold da line


        Sniper is cool


          shit on her lane


            timbersaw offlane


              tinker, silence melle carry on drow magnus slark magnus sven


                Just destroy her in lane and ez win. Drow is extremely weak after the nerf


                  Think u pick something like Sven. Then u get a cancerous offlane like bane sandking to really fuk w her


                    'how to counter X hero'

                    Think what X hero wants to do, Pick/play something that stops X hero from accomplishing this feat.

                    in this case. Drow = X

                    'Drow likes to push towers early with a team'
                    'Tinker, can stop pushes early. Sniper can stop pushes early, Timbersaw can stop pushes early etc etc etc etc'

                    Dire Wolf

                      idk about early but void is really good vs drow later


                        i saw once a 6k running lycan+storm+Axe as cores to counter draw strat