General Discussion

General Discussionis it possible to intentionally calibrate to 1-2k mmr below?

is it possible to intentionally calibrate to 1-2k mmr below? in General Discussion

    I tried doing it in the past, yet no success, after a few games of throwing and feeding, the bracket just goes higher and i get lp
    is there anyone out there who successfully did it? if so, tell me how you did it


      Create a new acc, feed the first 30 games, have extrremly low apm/shit to no items and then just afk coop bot till lvl 20, then during calibration underperform ad much as you can


        seemsgood, but I might have to play some lowprio games by doing that process


          you see this players initial matches. he still feeds like he did before. he has like 14 winrate with and also with io, hes got less winrate but hes a better player other that that. He calibrated at 600 mmr by feeding contiously then stomping some games in middle like crazy