General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get into the "high" skill bracket?

How do you get into the "high" skill bracket? in General Discussion

    and How accurate are skill brackets?


      unranked: depends on how many games you've played

      ranked: accurate as it gets

      aka unranked carries an mmr, but the mmr is hidden, and it can really quickly change on new accounts because pretty much the weight of it depends on how many games you've played and how do you perform.

      ranked, it's following the same as unranked, except ranked mmr only updates if you win/lose games, unlike unranked where it updates depending on performance. aka ranked is accurate to the match's avg mmr

      but you gotta understand, brackets on a game are tied to the average mmr of the match, not the player.

      aka you can have a 3.5k player in 3.1k avg game which makes it NS, while that 3.5k player belongs to HS