ya they removed it check this thread on reddit:
that thread on reddit is made by a 1k mongoloeed so it is not relevant at all
he believes the reason he can't reach whatever MMR he wants is that he can't detect boosters, rofl
abraham am 1k solo 2k party mongoloeed noob or what ever you call it and yes down here you cant reach any higher mmr cuz of u get enemy smurf every 1/3 games also you get sh*t load of spammers and feeders with feeders i dont mean players who fail (every one have bad games including me and you) there's littery a feeders who just buy cours take it mid and go mid to feed doing so just to drop his mmr under 500mmr so then he can use it for party smurfing so we really need it to deal with boosters and feeders down here i got 61% ranked win rate cuz of it also we dont just use it to dodge by leaving as doing so can punish the hole party forcing them to wait with you sometime we do it to ban the booster pick and force pick the hard counters if it didnt get banned we mostly dodge if we got intational feeder in team (sry for my bad eng)
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did they remove this