General Discussion

General Discussionis there's a way to get VHS or HS?

is there's a way to get VHS or HS? in General Discussion

    so am 1k trash as u can see from my dotabuff profil and playing with other trash just like me doesnt make u better so is there's a way to get to high skill bracket or even very high skills bracket ? lossing doesnt bother me on pub games unlike in ranked but i really want to git gud and the best way to achieve that is to play against better players,i been watching pro games miracle,singsing,admiral bulldog but there was no change except few tricks and am still trash <.<

    Riguma Borusu

      Are you fine with a 15% winrate? Because I am not. Low VHS is full of people just like you with 20% winrate who calibrated high (or had somebody calibrate them) just so that they "learn" but they can't fucking play the game at 2k level, let alone 3-4k, and they play carries with "good farm" of 30 LH at 10 min tops every fucking game.

      Which is to say, just fucking grind MMR, dude, if you improve a tiny bit you can have 80% winrate in sub 2k, 70% winrate in sub 3k, and then grind further. It is really not fucking hard.

      You had 176 last hits as juggernaut in this game:

      How can you learn to farm if you play against better players? You are just going to feed. Instead, learn to farm in lower brackets, rotate the jungle, push out lanes. You could've had 400 last hits in this game, minimum, even with the manta diff build, and still get kills, and pushed towers. All of that can be done, particularly in that bracket. But you are not doing that not because you play against bad players but because you aren't really trying that hard to improve in that aspect - just learn to farm if you're going to play carries.

      Of course, farming isn't the only thing that wins games, but the fact that you don't farm well in that bracket means that you have a fuckton of space to improve in that bracket before ruining HS/VHS games, so why don't you just learn what you can, get 80% winrate because it's entirely possible (I went from 1k to 2k with 87% winrate), and just naturally get to HS/VHS?

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        HS is 3201-3700

        VHS is 3701 +

        U have 1600 mmr and 55% Wr. U need 1600 mmr to reach HS / 25 = 64 games won in a row. Lets say u can maintain your 55% win rate on the way up. So u will grind mmr with speed of 5x25=125 mmr every 100 games.

        So the difference between u and HS is 1600/125 = 12.8 x 100 = 1280 games

        If my math is correct it will take approximately 1300 games for u to reach HS assuming u will learn fast and adapt to more difficult games for u to keep the 55% win rate. Otherwise it can be 2k games or more.

        Hope I helped.


          Or ask your 4k-5k friends to party with you there you go insta very high skill :)


            high skill*

            remember to drink water

              Just get better, I started in NS just like you and now I'm in high skill. You just have to focus on your mistakes and try to fix them.


                You can try actually analysing games properly

                You can read guides

                You can practice in lobbies

                Buy yourself game-leap, its very useful for low tier playera

                Riguma Borusu

                  ^I know this will sound very meta, but is there a good guide for analyzing games? I have a feeling that just analyzing games without having an idea of what things you need to focus on and how to think about them is pointless in a way. Someone wrote a thing or two about "delusional perspectives" of lower tier players where they for example ping you to join the fight without any mana or a fight-winning item, so the correct decision is to let them die and continue farming in a lot of cases. But somebody who is really low cannot really analyze that without knowing what to focus or think about, because to me it seems like people just aren't putting enough brainpower into playing the game (like, people are bad at things that are hardly related to game knowledge, but very related to common sense, for example).


                    abraham at that specific jauggernaut game i had littery bad game after so damm ruined long day and i already got enough reports at that game i was about to get the hole team down cuz of that


                      psycho all my ranked party games are que at 3k mmr as u can see from my last games the problem there is i play mostly either support or offlaner in both cases i work more on ganking and roaming then farming but if u go check my last safelane games you'll see that i hadd 500+GPM and XPM

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        coockie i been checking for practice lobby i found exactly nothing xD


                          Practice lobby means open an empty lobby AND PRACTICE

                          I can make you an analysis guide, i mean it isnt rocket science

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            cookie pls do, it might not be rocket science but for some people like me theres lots of stuff to analyze that we dont know where to start and whats the most important parts i should be thinking about etc




                                Ill make it when i get home, what do you want me to talk about specifically?


                                  I might actually try to do analysis tomorrow
                                  Seems like I've been the same fucking shit for the past few weeks


                                    @cookie, why not just show/link/tell them the video where you watched sonneiko's games or your other videos
                                    you basically showed how to do proper analysis

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      They can watch that, but that video is like 5 hours long and at a simple purpose of figuring out the first 10 minutes of how a 9k supp plays.


                                        I guess your right, but its still worth the watch imo. Kudos to you for helping us scrubs gitgud


                                          U can get to 4k just by outfarming your enemies with carry and carrying tp to help your team if needed.

                                          U 1k guys miss so many last hits, u dive towers, not aware of what can kill u. U disregard your enemies so u end up dying. U fight instead of farming, u farm instead of helping the team. U dont look on the mini map and call "F***G MID NO SS, MID NO GANK GG". I played some normall skill games recently with u guys but its too much for me.

                                          U group up against rp or enigma. U push when its an obvious teamwipe on u, just because your are pushing with your team and this train has no breaks. Slark is n1 op hero "GG we lost, they have slark", while u just should have 1 disruptor or void or bloodseeker or Anti-Mage in your team and its an ez win. Lanes are always 2-1-2. Playing as a support u just stand on the triple-lane, leech exp and do nothing, instead of helping other lanes. Your carry will do fine against solo Magnus offlane really.

                                          On top of that add reflexes of a 70-year old granny, no juke attempts against pudge - pudge is even worse than slark on 1k cos u cant juke hook. U people just walk in straight lines.

                                          Another example. Ure winning the game ? U have advantage ? Good - lets go back to farming and get 7-slotted. It doesnt matter that enemy has spectre in team, its in da bag anyway. U end up losing 20k advantage due to teamwipe.

                                          Riki is another 1k nightmare. No sentries till late game, and then a gem when u already have 1 range raxx left on top lane. Tbh 2-1-2 is very good agaisnt riki and u people dont remember of buying sentries. Courier is sometimes bought, wards are luxury placed on cliffs where u have a ward mark.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            i dont actually know what i need to learn to start analyzing games properly

                                            maybe cuz when i try to analyze games i end up just watching them from my own perspective, i want to start doing that in depth but idk what to do to begin with

                                            4pos pudge/grim only

                                              looking from my own games replays, i can notice that my biggest mistakes is always running around doing instead of farming or pressuring lane. ns bracket is mostly based on people getting one 'big' item (blink, sb, orchid) (lol) and start running around finding kills they can never get instead of farming or pushing lanes. i think OP got this problem too, everyone in ns do. im posting this not because i want to share my mistakes or something like that, but in order to improve, try finding your own mistakes and fix them little by little (i myself still trying tho) and you will be better eventually. instead of asking around "what is the best hero to spam to vhs" and shit like that, just improve your basic mechanic and you will be good

                                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                                i guess what im really trying to say is that you can never get good if you cant see the problems (or at least have someone to point them out for you). i myself suck at dota, but at least i can see where did i go wrong and i can slowly improve from there. thats all i guess glhf


                                                  so far u cant play against creeps, and competitive environment is the last place u need.

                                                  throwing someone in an open sea is an efficient way to teach them to swim, but not if its about a 2 months old baby who cant even walk yet.


                                                    Lmao I used to farm like until min 25 then start fighting abit while farming
                                                    I tried to be more active instead of afk farm recently
                                                    Seems like its not going well


                                                      well then the first thing for me to do is focus more on farm less on fight and cookie i still want that video u been talking about just put the specific xx:xx of points must focus on


                                                        im a vhs monkey


                                                          symetrical u might be vhs monkey but u're ns god that's for sure lmao


                                                            ns makes me look like a gorilla

                                                            its gonna be fun

                                                              what im love when watching >5k mmr is they placing a ward on unexpected place

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                              very good csgo player

                                                                Just try to play sven or AM, those heroes probably teach you farming patterns and efficency. Also failing at unranked games is a good lesson. If you don't do enough dps (in s situation where you should) it means you haven't farmed enough or efficiently. If you are down 0-12 in the first 10 mins it may be better to fight. Just adapt to the lane and game e.g if team are getting stomped get vanguard on AM Go into an empty lobby and try get flawless CS. Once you can do that, learn to push the wave but still get all the experience and kill the large camp. While you are too weak pull the large camp into your wave while stacking it. This Really boosts your efficency. Try get minimum 100 CS in a free lane with sven. 90 with AM.
                                                                Learn to do this and win the lane. If you are 1v1 against an offlaner you can win the lane quite often. If your support is leeching experience kindly ask him to leave to rotate. If you hit about 84 CS in a lane with a carry it's really hard to mess up from there. Remember to stack ancients with helm. Try get a helm but 6 mins and stack till 12 where you have echo PT and helm to clear ancients. Get blink by 16 or 14 and shitstomp most games lower than 5k


                                                                  LPBOYS right now i won AM game but i failed in 1v1 with their offlaner sand king what's wrong with his passive how to deal with him

                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                    you have to zone sk hard at lvl 1-2 with ur orb, build sth like pms or stout into fast boots and just walk at him. if you let him sit there and poke creeps at lvl 3-5 you are 100% fucked

                                                                    if ur in a 1v1 lane ur gonna have to eventually dodge the lane and either go jungle with treads or farm another lane until he leaves, hopefully ur team creates space or some shit, considering you have 2 roaming supports in theory (more like jungle bs + cliff mirana lul)

                                                                    very good csgo player

                                                                      OP I think what's also very important to learn is creep aggro. Just right click the sand King and his creeps run towards you. Run a little back and trade last hits. If no supports rotate maybe don't go PMS Treads BF but rather ring of health into vanguard. Remember rather get a 21 or 20 min battlefury and vanguard than a 17 min battlefury. Also vanguard will make you incredibly difficult to gank due to the raw hp it also provides. Watch the faceless vs EG game where black survives the gank because of the vanguard.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        do not zone sk after lvl 1

                                                                        burn all of his mana at lvl 1, and that's it.

                                                                        biggest mistake i ever see against stupid idiots who keep trying to kill me after im lvl 2 sk

                                                                        if they go 2v1, yes they win the trade

                                                                        if the support or just the carry alone is trading, they're dead.

                                                                        burn his mana at lvl 1, and then just aggro control to get lasthits, do not fight him.

                                                                        your only hope is harassing him(burning all of his regen) at lvl 1, and lvl 2 if he's lvl 2 and both of you are lvl 2.

                                                                        AND WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT FIGHT AN SK IN THE CREEPWAVE AFTER LVL 3++!

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          cookie that's what i exactly done at lvl1 my focus was to burn his mana but the moment he got his passive he fucked me so hard i usualy get bf around 13minut at that game i got it at 16 or 17 i think also he got kill from me :( i know that creeps atk me when i click sand i do it when i play timber so i get free regen and armor stack but no idea how far i can take them away if i use it


                                                                            so what he will try to do is attack every creep individually and attack you once, then if you stay next to the creeps, after a couple seconds the passive explodes

                                                                            so you get hit by 5 passives, and if the creepwave dies in the process, the damage can get doubled

                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                              yeah the real issue is when he talons 1 creep and has poked each one, so he burrows you and 2 creeps die for full caustic = all the other creeps die = you take 4x lvl 3 caustic damage and just fucking die

                                                                              you CANNOT approach the wave when hes lvl 3-5 unless he has 0 mana, he will poke the creep being hit, stun you and punch you = 400 magic damage +2-3 right clicks


                                                                                so in the end what do you exactly do against sk after lvl 3. agro creeps and move away from the creeps he poked and get the lh??

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  no you leave the lane because ur gonna fuckin die 1v1

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    in reality hes probably bad in which case you can pull aggro semi safely


                                                                                      JDF8 the problem he aint that bad (for my bracket) also invoker kept on sun striking me when ever he get chance its cancer and the problem my team instead of sending someone for help they kept in flaming on me tho i won the game for them at the end xD

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        yeah then u leave the lane and one of ur teammates will probably go to the lane and feed xd

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          are 1k SKs really that good? Not that it is hard to pull off, but still.


                                                                                            1k SKs will lvl up the stun or the second ability or lvl up 2nd ability first. some don't even consider it necessary putting at least 1 point on caustic finale early

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              abraham it was 2k sand king i think not sure also not really hard he play way to aggresive if any one of my team ganked him he would have left the lane and lost it pretty easy but 1v1 no way to get him out


                                                                                                that's the game
                                                                                                also guys while u're here for help am about to start playing chaos knight i never loved that hero before he fail boring some how if u have any advice i can take you can put it here and thanks


                                                                                                  you can walk up to an sk and hit him at lvl 3+, if you do it as soon as the waves meet, you can get 2-3 hits off before he hits 2-3 creeps

                                                                                                  creeps will be all full HP so he can't do his combo. so you can do that to burn his mana at the beggining of waves so you don't lose the 1v1


                                                                                                    I thought everyone hated how to get VHS threads


                                                                                                      ^ point from my post is to learn how to get to the VHS so you can actualy git gud not to make new smurf and spam tinker and ta till u're at vhs with 1k skill :v