General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur Warrunner - Asking for tips and stuff

Centaur Warrunner - Asking for tips and stuff in General Discussion

    Just had a game as CW. What should I have been doing in this game (how to be more impactful in the game)?

    What I think I have been doing:
    1. I got my blink at about 12 minute which is a good timing for me in a dual offlane setting. As we had a couple kills
    2. Kite the enemies with blink stun and nuke them
    3. Tank hooks for my carry - Luna during the laning stage
    4. Get Pipe for the team (despite never being used, as my decision making thought getting heart was the better choice)
    5. Get Heart for extra E damage

    What I think my fault lies:
    1. Reaction time - My death in top resulted the loss of 2 rax as I was too slow to react to Invoker Tornado
    2. Item choice (Prioritising Heart over other items that could have helped the team)
    3. Failed to determine when to fight. We fought in the river where the enemy has tier 1 to provide at least 2 3s reinforcements to back up the lonely Invoker caused 4 of my team to die.
    4. Afraid to push the objectives - map awareness and ability to predict enemies proximities.

    Any tips to improve? Or comments on my CW gameplay to improve?
    The match in question

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      Centaur warranger


        Cent farms really fast u shud have had blink sooner. Pipe is good on cent, but I think SB shud have gotten it, and u buy crimson guard after blink. I go the heart route but its bad u shudnt do it. Ur line up is also incredibly greedy, to run morph Luna and troll. Shudda gone with Luna or troll and created hella space. Farm the enemy jungle, ur tanky and hard to gank, so steal their farm. Basically u and SB and one of their cores needed to play the fighting role, but SB went such greedy items, and u got a heart and ur items late. In the shit tier farming can just win games on its own, so if u pulled off this move it cud have easily worked.


          Picking centaur is a dick move because I play windranger.

          You should get a pipe/crimson guard earlier into the game, it becomes less effective the later the game goes. Blade mail is also a very viable option. Force staff could have saved more teammates. Aghs is also very strong. But definitely not a heart.

          Hatsune Miku

            you can go for iron talon tranqs vanguard radiance manta heart heart heart heart heart heart heart moonshard


              Manta + return doesn't work anymore dumbass. The build was tranqs blink vang crimson force/blademail Shivas I think.


                Thanks for the feedbacks. Appreciate them.