General Discussion

General DiscussionSilencer can pubstomp?

Silencer can pubstomp? in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    He can go lane/roam support and carry anytime. Much like VengefulSpirit but his support and carry core items are pretty much the same(Force, Euls, Atos) which allows transition.

    He's quite versatile and has his edge in utility.
    The downside is entering late game countered by BKB, Manta. Int steal is scary too.


      He's squishy as fuck and basically dies if he gets stunned or silenced
      So yes he can pubstomp but not as good as other pubstompers like pudge who can just roam around threatening everyone's life


        Silencer can pubstomp really hard, but the items are not the same either way. Core silencer doesn't want euls, maybe atos. If ur going mid silencer, then I'm pretty sure u just go force SB pike silver edge hex. The biggest reason he can pubstomp is his ulti, it shreks noobs.


          Silencer is an excellent harrasing with his aoe q button.he is a lane cancer



              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                i onc played vs silnecer he had 30 0 score and we stil managed to win he was so fucing angry was rly sorry for the guy


                  Any semi support/ carry can actually pubstomp. Its more about the player than hero

                  Story Time

                    hello from a silencer spammer! Yes he is great at pumping up the mmr and a great first pick because enemies never bother to counter him :)


                      according to silencer's winrate, he is a pubstomper, decent in every bracket

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Ayyy lane cancer indeed. I even roam just to make sure all enemies are pissed off My style of support xD

                        I'm just curious why with OD being strong as well, I've never heard of a Silencer+OD strat from the pro scenes.

                        @Kotato Hello! I've been waiting for a spammer like you! :D Whoa lemme go through your games... Hurricane Pike... OMFG Vladmir's Offering... and it doesn't even seem situational, most bought item, is it because you have high int so the +15% base dmg is good?

                        I think I have a slight grasp on your playstyle and concept around playing Silencer now... Kotato. I never gave it hard thoughts on such a big picture. :D Thanks for sharing! lel I'm stealing your build :P Very effective playstyle, thank you.

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                        2k indog monkey

                          He's strong with OD because both are intel eaters


                            @ CheapLaugh guy

                            I find myself playing Silencer more than usual lately and find Dragon Lance -> Pike as a really nice item. As others mentioned, if you get silenced or stunned, you're pretty much a creep in terms of survivability so being able to maintain space in fights while still walloping everyone with your glaives is nice.

                            Story Time

                              Haha, I know that you are surpirsed by Vlad's but that is very cool item that gives the sustain and you know that Silencer has to run around and survive in evrey teamfight, so i prioritize mobility (with Pike) and durability with vlads. And yes, it brings damage with the primary stats, but even more if u think that it buffs the whole team. Also unfortunately in most solo games I am assumed the solo support (5th position), so smth cheap to keep me alive is as good as it gets. Rarely when I carry with silencer - i pick totally other items (hex, orchid, silver edge, bkb)

                              Dire Wolf

                                He's situational, really great as a carry vs any high armor heroes like dk, tb, but at same time those guys can blow him up so fast too so he needs setup or to get really buff first.


                                  Sillencer is good against against teams with squishy/magical damage dealer (Puck, Storm, Invoker, Witch Doctor, Lina, QOP, Skywrath, Crystal Maiden,...)

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                                    I love silencer. It means I can go jungle/ roaming cm, and the lanes will be cancer.


                                      Go for Silencer when you see the enemy team got 3 or more of those heroes. Don't if enemy teams got 3 or more tanker/physical damager dealers like Jugg, PA, Abaddon, Ogre, Void, Drow, Ursa, Razor, Viper, etc

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        He is a stomper if picked in the right situation. So yes, he is a situational stomper. But at the same time, not really since again, situational.

                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          Oh, and he is super squishy. So pub-stomping works in 2k, and somewhat in low 3k.