General Discussion

General DiscussionQuick Question Concerning Empower

Quick Question Concerning Empower in General Discussion
Freya 69

    Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +15% Spell Amplification

    Does this mean Empower at max level will do 65% bonus or that it will do 57.5%?

    I really like doing the Vlads + Aghs aura Magnus build and yes, I know its a bit trollish, but the heart wants what the heart wants. I just want to know what the actual math on this is; not that 7.5% one way or the other is, you know, gigantic either way. Maybe I can finally do my casual HotD now as well with Alpha Wolf...


      I dont think spell amplification even applies for empower

      Freya 69

        But pre 7.00 it applied to Moon Glaives??? :S

        meteor hammer

          it doesnt apply to glaives/any form of cleave any longer

          and even if it did i believe it would only apply to YOUR cleave, not cleave you put on allies

          and even then it would be 57.5%


            If it used to apply to empower it wont now since they specifically removed spell amp working on moon glaives and all sources of cleave.


              if spell amplification was still working on cleave, you'd simply add 15% damage to your cleave damage.

              So it would have been 50 * (100 + 15+w/e spell amp you already have)/100 %
              Thus, if you have 0 spell amp, then the 57.5% would have been correct.

              However the cleave is linked to the hero doing it, not to the one providing it, so you'd still give a 50% cleave.
              Anyway, that's over now, since spell amp no longer apply on cleave

              Freya 69

                I always thought passive abilities weren't affected by spell amp since they weren't technically even spells to begin with; just passives. With that logic, I thought the bonus damage from Empower was also technically a spell since you could cast it. Key word being cast. Oh well, not a big deal either way, really. Thanks for your input guys. :)