General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper builds

Sniper builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I played a bot match to try out aghs. I rushed it just to see how bad/good it was and it was pretty terrible. Cus early you just don't do enough dmg to make it worthwhile. I think it could be a legit 4th, 5th or 6th item. The problem I have with it is you need a lot of +dmg to make it shine but snipers typically like to stack attack speed for headshot procs. So it's kind of a conflict.

    If I were doing an aghs build it means items like mask, dominator, even pike, don't have enough +dmg to help it out. So what do you build? Here's my thought:

    Phase boots - need the +dmg over attack speed for aghs
    Aquila - just too good of a stat item, gives 19 dmg, same as a pike. Helps snipers mana regen so you can go attack speed talent
    Dragon lance - again just core on sniper
    Deso - easy +dmg item to get
    Pike upgrade if you need it for positioning
    Daedulus - +dmg item

    That's going to make your assassinate hit for 688 dmg at level 20. With the cd talent at 20 you can cast it every 7.5 seconds. Seem good?

    I'm just not sure it's actually better than a mask of madness/deso/skadi build right now. I was super pysched about aghs but now idk, you really need a lot of dmg for it to hit hard.

    Alternative regular build:

    Phase/treads depends if you need the move speed. I'll probably opt for phase in most cases now that level 10 has 15 attack speed talent.
    Dragon lance
    Mask of madness
    Pike upgrade, might come before skadi

    Dominator also seems really good, that hp regen won't save you in fights but will give you massive sustain so you don't have to go back to base ever and clear jungle super easy.


      Imo this is an alchemist tier aghs. Not bad but it doesnt fit the hero.


        pretty sure u only go aghs if ur willing to get rapier.

        saw sing go for it and proceed to lose the game by feeding so many rapiers. lmao


          Agh octarine rapiers would make a good meme build
          But his aghs just doesn't fit his playstyle, take it like an alternative for fun build like luna or jugg (well actually not jugg since his agh upgrade is so dogshit)

          Dire Wolf

            Yeah that may be true, kinda sad. I was super pumped about it. Maybe they'll buff it to apply straight x amount of dmg plus a % of your base like PA dagger so it scales better early.

            So mask yes, helm no?


              think mask is definitely viable for sniper