General Discussion

General DiscussionMK sounds like Riki

MK sounds like Riki in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf



      yeah ikr

      basement :)

        I ban MK, but I ban him so my team does not pick him.


          he looks like riki too

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            I'm sad, wished he sounded more Harambe like.
            A little "ooo ooo ooo" ya'know?

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Yeah, totally different from HoN's MK. I thought they were gonna use the same voice actor... I guess they wanna make MK sound cool to fish all the fucken doto scrubs back, instead of making him a wild and playful monkey.
              Could it be coz of the "Shut up you 2k pinoy monkey" sensitive issue? xD


                His voice in the youtube trailer is better imo

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  ^How you do that? xD Sorry noob in forums.
                  He sounded like a King indeed.


                  It's hella annoying if they hired the same guy, but damn it would stand out from all the boring heroes voices except Storm's Zip Zap, Shadow Shaman and Witch Doctor.

                  In the end, the valve team would make him sound more human instead of monkey.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    Mk is a better roaming riki tbh. 40% slow for 4 seconds lvl 1 SeemsGood


                      I totally agree with daddy though. Lv 2 stun and deal a ton of damage. Can pick off support solo.

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                        @Cheap Laugh Guy

                        [video]*insert youtube link*[/video]


                          You only get the 4 sec slow after a long ass charge time and if happen to land properly. Riki's slow is pretty much retard proof... I hope.



                            this post is about voice actor or gameplay? he sounds like riki indeed.. in gameplay.. ummm.. blink, aoe slow, aoe ulti.. similiar but not equal..also MK is stronger cuz have not been properly balanced yet (in 7.01 minor nerf)