General Discussion

General DiscussionThe fight between two retarded person

The fight between two retarded person in General Discussion

    Attitude can help you out of shitty situations in real life, just like how you keep positive vibes and try your best in a match where you get shitty toxic teammates, which can help you win the game (but not always, since there are A LOT of poor hardworking people because of lack of opportunity)

      He just brought his radical opinion and feelings to the table too much


        So its attitude instead of wealth?


          Well of course, I believe we all agree on that.


            Just think before talking, please.


              :) true but this a website where nobody knows you(expect real friends) so if you offend someone here it dont really effect you in real life. Cough*diox*cough


                There's your problem. You were wondering earlier why I called you insensitive. Ponder about your most recent comment. If you can't find any fault and you think exactly like how you did before, you're beyond help. Slit your throat for the human race please.


                  I don't find Diox's threads and comments insulting. Just retarded. Which is a lot more than what I can say for yours.


                    If you're nice to people you never even meet, you'd get used to being nice
                    Plus some people are sensitive fucks who gets hurt by "lol u gay" and might kill themself from that, I know it's cringy but I don't want to have that kind of guilt lingering around my brain everytime I roast someone I don't even know


                      Inb4 "but you roast seatards alot" reply


                        Well I do acknowledge I am an asshole but I am not an asshole because of what I think and what my opinions are. I am an asshole because I shitpost for fun.


                          I still think OP is retarded.


                            We are just giving our opinion in this world. In the end it doent really impact in our life. What really impact us is the attitude we have in life itself. I dont really give a fuck of what you say. It dont really impact me overall


                              Thats why people like to troll in games. We just have to accept they are retarded and move on. Same with real life


                                Umm our opinion impacts real life because opinions are what shapes decisions, and decisions are what shapes the world itself, because from decisions we have the ability to remain dedicated to a certain course of action.

                                You're just stupid and indolent. Accepting what things are for what they are, not aiming to try and make a difference by trying to improve upon them.

                                You are cancer and should be purged.


                                  And you should listen. The things your intellectual superiors say are 200% of what you can think of when left alone.


                                    But you can ignore opinion and move along with it. Free will. If you are saying i am cancer and should be purge. It an opinion and i can ignore it. Use diffusal blade and oh fuck i cant purge myself its 7.00


                                      Ok vaporwave why would i listen to someone that call me cancer stupid etc. logic bro


                                        You should listen because what that guy says makes sense. Contrary to your incoherent rambling, which I think vaguely resembles "hakuna matata" in the sense that you should be passive and useless in life as characterized by just "moving on". You are so hardheaded and dumb that your very existence alone drags down the entire human race's average IQ.

                                        Oh, you can always resort to nonsensical humor so that you can compose a response to my argument so that you won't seem utterly idiotic and save at least a little face. The thing is you don't have the intellectual capacity to think for yourself, and I don't expect you to.


                                          Bla bla bla somone who only know me for less than 1 day try to lecture me while the whole world oppose you.


                                            I know you will move on from this. Writing this memory as akin to being scolded by your mother. You pathetic outlook in life allows you to overlook even the most obvious of things. That's fine.

                                            But always remember, you are stupid.


                                              I don't even know you for one day. And I don't want to.

                                              Wow, read the posts again. The whole world is against you.


                                                Tnx man. You truly deserve heaven. You need a nobel prize oscar etc. you will be a hero


                                                  It entertains me to think that you didn't and can't understand what I just said to you, just by sheer idiocy.

                                                  Come on, amuse me more.


                                                    Yeah go back to comedic comeback. That's all you will reply to me and all you will ever do.


                                                      Other people judge me and you not our self just remember that. Wise man thinks he is stupid while a stupid man think hes wise. Its a quote that i read accidentally. I think it apply to you


                                                        Yeah i know im stupid and cancer ty for that


                                                          Hmmm interesting.


                                                            I never said I was was. And seeing as that quote applies to the Dunning-Kruger Effect, which, as a smurf, you are afflicted with, I think it applies more to you than it does to me.


                                                              Ikr right


                                                                Yeah im stupid


                                                                  From the 30 minutes I conversed with you, I have seen you were an idle child. This kind of submissiveness suits you.


                                                                    We converse?


                                                                      I will not delete this thread just to show how one guy can be so retarted(either me or vaporwave) so yeah if vaporwave put too many cancer here i will delete this.:))


                                                                        6 minutes of thought. 6 minutes wherein your puny little mind did everything it could to make a response. All you made from that 6 minutes in which the millions(do you have millions?) of brain cells(do you have brain cells) actively worked together to form a coherent response was a "We converse?" with wrong grammar to boot.

                                                                        In case you couldn't use Google yourself.

                                                                        engage in conversation.
                                                                        "he fell in beside her and they began to converse amicably"
                                                                        synonyms: talk, speak, chat, have a conversation, discourse, communicate; More


                                                                          Here, the direct link so all you have to do is click. (You press your pointing finger on the left side of the mouse to open)



                                                                            Oh please don't delete this. I can still have a chuckle from this if ever I want to.


                                                                              Yeah yeah i lose to you im the retarded person. And can keep bitching about this random shit

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                As I said,

                                                                                This kind of submissiveness suits you.


                                                                                  Take comfort in the fact that you own the thread. Whatever you may do, you will be haunted by the fact that you are stupid and cannot prove otherwise.

                                                                                  Sure, lump me in with you. That certainly seems to make you feel better.


                                                                                    Lmao he said "retarted"

                                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                                      tfw i flame my team every game and still win


                                                                                        Ty for the help. Lul haunted


                                                                                          ^^^Case in point.




                                                                                              Seatard 1:0 Retard



                                                                                                Xd we are all in sea lul


                                                                                                  Ikr rensin


                                                                                                    Ik,but it sounds good that way


                                                                                                      So who is retarded and seatard. Coz i kindof want to join seatard lul.