General Discussion

General Discussionturtle strats OP?

turtle strats OP? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    if you have tree + sniper for example, it is nearly impossible for them to take T3s unless the game is a complete stomp, especially with buybacks

    add strong teamfight heroes and something like a cent or WK core and i almost cant fathom losing even 40% of the time


      Spectre with diffusal?


        Clutch blademail? Also i feel like if they draft a snowbally enough line up they can just run u over, but if they dont or mess up then ye u basically auto win.


          U either lose to a somehow perfect highground breaking line up which no one drafts, or a flawless deathball strat, maybe a farmed alch or centaur or someone who just tanks and doesnt give af.



            What is suggested is also a perfect (in terms of how we want to play) or near-perfect line-up so I think placing it against another perfect draft is justified.

            Vem Comigo

              you can lose if your fucking slark goes afk jungle after you tell him he is shit.
              support sniper (yep), transitioned into carry at 20 minutes, but we where fucking the enemy with high ground defence, the thing is we lost cause after 35 we had to play 4v5.
              We could have won this game so easy, they tryed to push highground more than 5 times before they got a tower, every other time they would die, due to shrapnell, but that fucking sandking evolved, and on the 6 time he jumped me on t4s, i didnt die, but i had to go back and heal or i would be dead, so no dps on enemy team.


                So is the sniper build basically phase > dlance > maelstrom > pike > mjollnir > skadi > mkb/daedalus? Maybe a bkb in there in fringe cases. Late game butterfly and shit.


                  no the build is battlefury sir. trust me im VHS

                  casual gamer

                    sometimes pike before mael, sometimes skadi before MJ, silver edge sometimes (always against PA)

                    sometimes AGHS before skadi or MJ

                    ONLY MKB AGAINST EVASION, otherwise get crit

                    Vem Comigo

                      you dont get pike that early, you dont have enough dmg to get a use from his 4 hits, and if you want escape you build blink or sb.
                      You go Phase > dlance > mael > deso > sb > crit
                      if you gonna build silver edge you dont buy skadi for the stats.


                        Deso seems so bad on sniper, it doesnt help him keep away, proc more headshots to keep away, farm, or not die. It basically is only good for pushing. And u buy skadi for the slow so u can kite people, the hp is also rlly nice. Attack speed is so much better.


                          Against stuff like silence do u go manta or bkb?

                          Vem Comigo

                            you go nothing, silences doesnt affect sniper that much, is better to build dmg.


                              Does anyone want to hear my 40% winrate 1 KDA sniper lecture ayyy

                              casual gamer

                                i have 170 sniper games you can 1v1 me irl i will peep the shit out of you

                                casual gamer

                                  dlance mael deso shadow blade crit sounds like a good way to have 1200 hp at 40 minutes into the game and 0 repositioning items

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    why the fuck would u get dlance before mael

                                    casual gamer

                                      because i like having hp and farm fast enough with shrapnel, double band in late lane phase is a shitton of damage with phase AQ vs. waiting for a mit hammer or going for the useless glove


                                        havent they always been quite op tbh? i always get triggered when i have to play against sniper/tinker because they have to make a mistake os that u can take hg

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                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                              Mk slark can rape them

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                                                not arin

                                                  slark was bad previous patch already


                                                    I feel like defending highground is srsly strong right now compared to past . Before 7.00 the chance of sucessfully breaking hg is like 70 to 30 but now its smth like 50 to 50 even if one team is ahead of networth

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      why even try to break hg when u can just farm the whole map with 4 bounty runes and 4 ancient camps and have all ur heroes massively overfarmed and overleveled with super good talents, then just try to breach rax whenever rosh respawns

                                                      i swear i win half of the games i should've lost because ppl are just running around searching for kills while i clear their jungle or try to suicide into rax when they can't


                                                        Wow even in 4k people don't know how to starve their enemy?
                                                        Oh well

                                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                                          The new build is aghs refresher on slark 5 man bkb hit the tower, ez solution to slark's weakness


                                                            I think slark aghs as a 4th item or maybe 3rd if stomping can be rlly good. The cd reduction lets him fight so much more often, cuz especially in mid/late game he neesa ulti for every fight, so with 30 second cd he can do that. Slarks wud go late game refresher sometimes cuz they just needed second ulti and second abyssal. Aghs is an alternative which gives better stats, is cheaper, and helps ur team more too. The hiding teammates for me is more icing on the cake than the reason to build it.