General Discussion

General Discussion14 win streaks

14 win streaks in General Discussion

    fight me!


      Still not better than phantom riki B)


        thats a solid K/K


          Look to what i did to a riki, who was busting my balls in the jungle, with my bs dagon:
          Still lost though cause my team was handicapped. I mean it wasn't even fair but at least tinker wrote to all chat to me respect for trying.


            K? K what? The letter before L? The letter after J? Did you know that in JK the K stands for “kidding?” So your reply is “kidding?” or K as in Potassium? Do you need some Special K for breakfast? K as in I can K/O you? Can I knock you out and feed you to hungry sharks? Sharks have a K in it


            I sexually identify as 'K'. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of replying to everyone's message with K. People tell me that using K all the time is retarded and I should 'K'ill myself. I'm now replying to everyone with 'K' and so far I have pissed off everyone. From now on, call me K and everyone should respect my right to reply to everything with 'K'. If you can't accept me you are a 'K'aphobe and should check your K privileges, fucking grammar nazis. For those who do accept me as a K thanks for understanding.

            BUM!! I'M REALLY LIKE THAT



                wp bro, road to 5k!


                  thanks ^

                  15 streaks now


                    10 winstreak


                      Showoffs !!