General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about the meaning and purpose of life

Questions about the meaning and purpose of life in General Discussion

    I believe everyones religion is influenced by these:
    1. The place where you were born.
    If you were born in the middle east, you are most likely a follower of Islam. Same with other countries with different religion.
    2. The family that raised you. As you grow up, you follow whatever is teach to you and whatever you see. I actually call this "brainwashing" you.
    3. Your environment. This includes the people around you, the traditions in your place, what you see in the news etc.
    4. Your own understanding. This happens when you are old enough to understand things and decide on your own. Your decision will still be affected by the first three things above but you are now on your own on what to follow based on what you have learned and understand. This is why some people change their religion although most I believed are still affected by environment and people around you as you are most likely "brainwashed" once again.

    I personally don't follow religion to decide what is good or bad. The "Golden Rule"(if you know it) is very good I believe.

    About the topic of the afterlife, I told some of my friends that if I die first and if ghost are real, I will give them clues, signals or appear to them to prove that afterlife exist. If they do not get or feel anything, then there is no ghost. Lol


      Are you sure you are not confusing god with dragon ball z cookie...


        Is God distant from Dragon Ball Z, though?

        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

          people still believe there are gods in 2016?


            gods still believe there are 2016 in people?

            Riguma Borusu

              But do ppl really apply that? no
              why? Cus who cares. There is no judgement for that. If u dont belive in god and religion you ignore your humanity and do whatever u want.

              By ignoring your own empathy you've already dehumanized yourself, because you're ruled by fear, not the wish to have others around you be happy, and that you yourself are happy.

              I know a lot of people think they need religion to be good, but the reality is, even lower primates have empathy and they have no idea of religion to begin with. Even dogs have empathy. It's not even mammalian-exclusive, but mammals in particular can grieve at others (similar to them) suffering.

              So if you say you need religion to be good to others, you're basically saying that a cow inherently has better morals than you do.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                ive never really believed in creationism nor the big bang theory, i just cant bring myself to believe something that i cant fully understand and know whether its factual or not

                i once had an argument with my high school advisor. he asked us about the 5 most valuable things i have in my life, and i didnt put god in it. he questioned me why i didnt even put him in the list (i can see it in him that he wanted me to put him at the top, which i put myself at) and i just said "this god you believe in based on a man-made religion has never helped me once in my life. i prefer to believe in something that i can 100% believe in than a what-if deity."

                Everyone was looking at me that time rofl. i can tell that they dont want to believe what i just said. one of my classmates even said "its like you say god is useless" then my adviser asked me whether or not i believe in creationism which i just replied with a "no because i dont fully understand it, but that doesnt mean i believe everything what science says either. so i just choose to believe in my morality. i dont need religion or anything holy to be a good person."

                i couldnt explain myself further because it was during class and others had to recite. besides i can tell that my adviser and my oh-so-holy classmates who couldnt even recite a single bible verse didnt want to listen to anything i wouldve said that time

                rn i think that most religious people are close minded and any opinion that is not within their bible whatever will not lead you to a non/fictional heaven that i dont even care to think whether its real, different, or fake

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  ^ lol u started thinking for yourself quite early. I always had questions with my indoctrinated religion (Islam) from an early age but I chose to take the word of my parents and society over any struggle from my more sensible side

                  ....up until university.

                  That's when I finally let myself free and shot religion and any trace of it out the window.

                  Vem Comigo

                    I really, really, REALLY hope that’s not your way of challenging me to a religious debate. Cause I hate to tell ya, if religious debate were a videogame, I would be the final boss, and you’re gonna need a HELL of a lot more XP if you want to take me on. I suggest you go practice first with some Atheists (or Agnostics, as I am) who don’t have such a massive amount of brutal killshots and destroyed faiths under their belt that they’ve lost track of the numbers. Not to be offensive, but I frankly have no desire to watch yet another person crash and burn because of me. If you INSIST, then that’s fine, but it’s not going to take me more than a handful of words. You’re gonna want to level WAY up before you ask me to duel. Especially about this.


                      You've already lost any argument by describing yourself as agnostic instead of atheist. Pussay.


                        You can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        Livin' Real Good

                          Pseudo intellectuals.





                              Giff me Wingman

                                there is no meaning in life. Make your own meaning.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  (A)gnosticism deals with the nature of knowledge, (a)theism deals with (lack of) belief. They're two separate things.

                                  there is no meaning in life. Make your own meaning.

                                  The meaning of life? It's all about having a huge 'stache!

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    I don`t like religion sorry, its just a shity thing that destroys humans relationships betwen each other all over the world and control population. If you really going to think about it you will notice that religion we don`t choose, its pretty much your environment and people around you are making you from your birth to be like EVERYONE ELSE from that region/country/family or whatever which makes no sense and no right to have a different opinion.

                                    Be religious I don`t mind everyone knows the best for themselfs, but don`t judge people just because they believe in other religion or they don`t believe in any religion at all. Everyone have a right to have their own opinions about anything in their lifes.

                                    Peace and have fun at dota 2


                                      ^Is your name some twisted sort of irony?


                                        As promised guys, here are the results: (keep in mind this survey was posted on online forums other than dotabuff)

                                        Sample size: 91

                                        % of respondents who contemplate on these thoughts often: 45%
                                        % of respondents who have never thought about this: 3.3%

                                        % of respondents with 100% belief in God's existence: 36%
                                        % of respondents who believe in God but have/had doubts: 14%
                                        % of respondents who are sure that God does not exist: 25%

                                        Later some day I'll construct an excel file and post the analytics and the rest of the results

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          nc im with the majority

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^you fucking normie




                                                what if i believe in the god of coincidences?