General Discussion

General Discussionvengenance on retards

vengenance on retards in General Discussion

    I picked a bad little habit up,

    I like to make new accs, the first match is on normal skill ofc, I then like to carry them 25-4 while they all feed like 4-10. They are quite happy to be carried, I like to draw the game out ofc long as I can, Then when I cant draw it out any longer, I have to go racks with the team of low skill plebs, I tell them to go racks ill meet them there.

    Then on the way I sell all my items and buy as many divines as I can with the gold, usually 5, go to the enemy base and stride right past my team whos trying to racks and go right into the enemy fountain and die dropping 5 presents for the enemy team.

    I then I sit back, pop a can of arnold palmer iced tea and lemonade and smile as I watch the flurry of chaos that ensues with comments like "WTF?!?!?" and the proceeding utter rape of my team mates.

    I dangle the win right in front of my low skill feeding shitlords and then snatch it from them right before they can taste it.

    Pure ectasy. do it a maybe 1 or 2 times to satisfy justice for all the shit low skill kids under 4k mmr have ever done.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    The Medic Guy


      you fail it, you need to trigger them, make them angry, make them feel like "if i meet you irl i will punch you focking face", you need to make them tilt, make sure the tilt-effect last few days for them.


        thats the thing tho, theres nothing more frustrating than when the win is just seconds away from them, and then it gets snatched away.

        also I like exert my dominance over them, that I am in control of whether we win or lose, and that I decide their fate for the match.

        The Medic Guy

          it just first game, no one care, you need to do it on ranked games where everyone is try hard and you throw in the most crucial moment to centuple the tilting effect

          Riguma Borusu

            you have serious issues


              My 0-40 double tranquil double wind lace double stick riki is enough to tilt them for days

              Potato Marshal

                Sounds like a waste of time


                  yes redemption, sounds good, right at 4995 mmr HAHAHAHAHA that WOULD BE EPIC

                  No Mladen, but if you can play this game for 2 years and not have some sort of anger towards people in this community then it is you who has problems.


                    @potato marshal

                    I only did it like 1 or 2 times, 1 time is plenty satisfying enough for 2 years of built up frustration of playing this game.

                    The Medic Guy

                      Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.


                        Oh god, you're so genius!!!! U're the most brilliant-minded human being, no not human being, the most brilliant-minded creature who ever walked under the sun!!!! No, not the sun, all the suns!!!! All hail you!!!!! May your name live for eternity, and eternal eternities beyond!!!

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Did that acc get LP?

                          The Medic Guy

                            no, mine got 5 report, but no LP.

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              That's too bad, I thought they take reports more seriously than abandon now.

                              Speaking of retard,

                              vengenance on retards

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                In your real consciousness you know that is bad action,you ruin all new player that come to Dota.In sub-consciousness mantally you will be punish yourself and when you feel pressure you will continue to do bad things to relax the pressure - this is your cycle.

                                PS : if you drink IceTea add 1 ice is the best because 1IceTea is good


                                  well , you ruin other people games and trigger them because OTHER retards that will not care cause they are unrelated ruined your game

                                  yeah now i can see how serial killers and ill-minded psychopaths think



                                    lmao. that's kinda hilarious actually. you evil genius

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      '^Ya u hurt me when I try do good.
                                      I can't revenge on you
                                      I go to revenge on other.'

                                      U forget you are human and they are human,you don't really know why they do feed like u never do any bad mistake in all your game.
                                      Now u burning in fire of rage,and u forget you are human,u become evil,u want to destroy others game because u can,if you see thouse who ruin your game you would kill them if u never get caught, u are rage itself.
                                      U are řăğə,you are əvįł you are řəvåņğə!

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      basement :)

                                        You have too much spare time.


                                          Awesome idea, will try today and report results

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            disgusting mentality of subhuman

                                            The Medic Guy



                                                Reminds me of a game where I went carry sand king, except mainly focused on farming and only killed an enemy hero if they interrupted my farming. I was easily able to solo kill the enemy PA who of course was otherwise going around solo kiling the rest of my useless team mates. One I got 6 slotted I just sold everything and fed 3 rapiers and let the enemy win, which tbh they deserved a lot more given how the people on my team completed failed.

                                                fear is the mind killer

                                                  Your are the actual retard


                                                    That's one way to release the frustration, right...?

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      ^Ya release base on making other player suffer


                                                        If somebody do that in my next game, ill kill myself

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          i was sometimes thinking about selling my items and buying divines when i was triggered lategame, but i never actually got to do that
                                                          doing what u do in unranked tho is kinda... unimpressive? who cares, i throw unranked games all the time


                                                            i should try this


                                                              Still waiting for Vohi's results.

                                                              Bread Mage

                                                                see ur tiltin people too hard here - if you tilt them this hard, they rotate back to being level.

                                                                also, you're a pathetically bad liar and deeply sociopathic and should probably seek some form of emotional support such as psychiatric counseling.


                                                                  bu bu but it's vengenance on retards. his vengenance is justified. ill say vengenance one more time to really illustrate my point. vengenance.


                                                                    I have dyslexia, so when I make a spelling mistake like vengenance, when I read it I see vengeance until someone points it out