General Discussion

General Discussioni just realized

i just realized in General Discussion

    you can boost your winrate to whatever the fuck you want by playing unranked

    unranked is literally skill-less




        or just toggle like this guy

        fear is the mind killer

          toggle ?

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            u can 5 stack in unranked and have 95%+ wr


              Its actually so easy to win at least 90% of the games if you have decent ppl to play with.

              M U R D E R

                Yea and here im beung worried aout 60% party rabked winrate even though im stacking with shits even worse than me xD


                  And you can just feed in the first 10 games on a new account and enjoy the inflated stats afterwards

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    If only there wasn't ranked win rate as a separate stat. Like anyone gives a fuck about global/normal wr.


                      All games are easy ranked/unranked until you solo and get a party of 2-3 people in your team who have 0 coordination and you there like "im gonna delete this game'

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        But you can always display number of Matches and Wins which most of the wins are unranked and intimidate people when they check your pop up bubble profile


                          Still better than the gangsta mentality of 4 stacks
                          "Nigguh u slave or report"
                          "Nigguh do as we say"
                          "Nigguh curry us while we afk"


                            Cant be more agree with that, if you say something about someone of them "4 reports for you..." and they go 4 cores lol


                              I actually did that once
                              Except that the CM was actually feeding and went 0-11 for no reason


                                "unranked is literally skill-less"

                                USW server, 1-4 a.m., nothing but 5 stacks of chinese players, theyre all 5k+ and try hard every game its fucking cancer and anything but a free win.


                                  @Light & Magic Whats that guys name, I always wanted to know source of that meme? :D


                                    currently top1 in dotabuff list

                                    basement :)

                                      Though, there is a ranked mmr statistic on Dotabuff.


                                        i also just realized how easy it is to win in 5k

                                        holy lmao


                                          >caring about winrate in 2017


                                            have you discovered another trick cooky

                                            casual gamer

                                              you dont need a trick if you pick good heroes and play a solid game


                                                I'm sure if you are good holding 65% winrate in solo unranked is easy mode, matchmaking is looser and people don't tryhard as much so if you nerd out and pick strong heroes and play like you would in ranked you only lose to stacks or if literally all of your team are deadweights. If you want even higher try stacking with OK players, even with a solid stack of 4k people you can get 75% winrate and with better ones you can be as high as 90% only losing to other tryhard stacks.


                                                  this one might actually be even better than the orginal one i used jacked XD

                                                  as it works in 6k+ avg games XDDD

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    fuck unranked lol

                                                    its either lvl 9 smurfs or 5v5 all 5K+s, no middle ground at all

                                                    ranked is honestly more fun


                                                      cookie feeling pro nothing new


                                                        "this one might actually be even better than the orginal one i used "

                                                        What is original one?


                                                          4ks doesn't know how to deal with snowball and shows up on the map
                                                          Not exactly a shortcut but meh


                                                            Knowing the mistake isnt enough to know how i abuse it :P

                                                            But i know a couple players who took the hint and figured out ways to abuse it like i did.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              I'm way too inactive for anyone to notice my climb


                                                                That's because you traded an account you dumbfuck

                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                  The secret is all chatting "Gg end" and muting ur enemy team


                                                                    and he has become another daddy. rip. 2k mmr 2016-2017