General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions for captain's draft mode

Opinions for captain's draft mode in General Discussion

    I maxed queue for 99mins+ for a captain's draft match and still didn't find one. Like seriously why nobody is playing this mode at my mmr range? It's like the best mode ever and also great for experimenting with new heroes whether you like it or not. In my opinion if most tournaments's mode was changed from cm to cd games would be way more entertaining and challenging for all players themselves. I have promised to sit down and watch dotacinema's very interesting tournament of this mode but still haven't done it 2 years now.

    Also, i will never forget being able to play sd and ar in ranked, good times my men, good times. Maybe it's time to bring these modes back in their respective place?

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      People want to be able to pick their own heroes.


        Why would you ever search a mode in solo queue where you can't pick your own hero, I'd rather chop my own dick off than let other people pick my hero for me in ranked. Save cm/cd for playing with a dedicated 5 stack.

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