General Discussion

General DiscussionPreparing for a long road on soloQ 3K to 6K, give me tips

Preparing for a long road on soloQ 3K to 6K, give me tips in General Discussion

    Hello everyone, a weird topic about the road I am going to take
    I am going to face multiple elo Hell and russians
    Yet I will never give up.

    Any tips about 3K-5K MMR meta? since 2K is just "pick what you want it might work", i don't know if its gonna be the same on this road.
    I got a solid 58.74% WR (58.47% on ranked), and I almost always crush ennemies.

    TL;DR: how to git gud in 3K and rekt scrubs until I join the highest players

    My strengths are:

    -Extremely versatile, even the exotic picks (I love oracle but it doesn't have much impact on 2-3K tho)
    -I never spam heroes more than 5times
    -My reads are kinda on point for my elo, I know what they are going to do most of the times
    -I communicate a lot
    -I can play all roles exept core safe lane, i'm more of a lonely player that help his teamates
    -very high win rates with a lot of heroes.

    My cons are:

    -Poor laning phase, i'm extremely agressive even on offlane and can sometimes give 1-2 kills to the core, exept with batrider which is a great laning phase for me (I have no idea why.)
    -I never know what to pick against ennemies, I always pick a random hero because i want to play him
    -End getting tilted against fed Luna and skywrath Mage, those 2 heroes are my nemesis
    -End extremely tilted if I lose a game with a hero with very high WR (riki, Dark Seer, pudge, etc)
    -Wards? the fuck is this shit, I know whats going to hapen.... oh yes thats right, MY TEAMATES DON'T. (TL;DR: i don't buy wards when i sup, but i sure take some when i got extra money, but my allies are too stupid to understand that the jungle is dangerous when there is no wards.)

    Please help a player like me to understand whats wrong with me, and how to improve it for the 3K-4K hell

    Have a nice day

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      oracle doesnt have much impact NotLikeThis


        Don't tell me that oracle can carry 2K scrubs on soloQ, its lying.

        My early game is very agressive and i always win the early-mid, but i fall hard late because at the end my teamates doesn't know how to play with my ultimate (just like Io)


          oracles quite garbage

          yung griphook

            i would honestly write down 2 to 3 heroes in each role and say to yourself no matter what happens im only playing these heroes. Then when its time to pick you choose a hero that best fits from your list. It makes it easier, and you in turn get to learn those few heroes in each role at a higher level. You think you can play a lot of heroes, but you probably cant play them well enough to get to 6k like you're hoping.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            one syllable anglo-saxon

              didn't read


                then don't comment and have a good night sir.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  still didn't read

                  yung griphook

                    OMG that kotl winrate LMAOOOOOOOOO


                      229 games 9% WR

                      G O D L I K E

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        damn j0 u have been roasted, what can u say in ur defence


                          i would like to bet that you cannot do this. even in a large period of time.


                            Mirana. Can play everything. Position 5 support, position 2 core. Can mid, can roam. Id suggest her at 3k since you really have to be flexible to what your team needs most


                              if you are going for 5k you should be fine with the right attitude.
                              Also mmr doesnt come in just like that, you need to learn from mistakes and from 3-6k will take A long time. I was 2.6k year ago, now im 4.7k and when I read ur post I could see my self in ur position year ago, keep grinding.

                              PS. Purges coaching videos/guides can take you to 5k pretty fast if you are willing to learn.


                                It's gonna be a long road. Sure it takes time but it's only up to you whether you want it or not. The key thing I'd say is motivation and your attitude. With right motivation any1 can do anything especially if that was done by hundreds other people. Try to motivate yourself even harder and you can even get 7k+. After all dota 2 is all about learning. Even guys with 6k+ learn something new and improve. You can even be next 10k or 11k guy so keep it up and do not lose motivation.

                                P.S. and yeah meta is the way to go.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                casual gamer

                                  i walk backwards every day XD


                                    Being extremely versatile is not exactly a skill that will help you that much
                                    Jack of all trades, master of none
                                    Stick to spamming some heroes, preferably meta ones and you'll notice your mistakes easier and learn to play around your counters

                                    basement :)

                                      How long are you willing to play? It will probably take 1–1.5 years per 1k.


                                        I am willing to play for a really long time, i'm a kind of competitive player that likes to become the best, so as long valve don't ruin dota2, it would be for a long time

                                        bws~: i really hate this phrase but its true,i'm the jack of all trades, but master of none :/

                                        Im winning games by picking random heroes and doing my best, i havn't tried mirana yet, i don't feel like its on my gameplay tho

                                        I'm soon 3K and I will soon have time to waste

                                        question: any good dota2 streamers to see? i like to stream but i don't know if i'm ready for Dota streaming, even more at my level (But on low level I had viewers on another shit game i won't call the game, so maybe 3K is interesting for people?)

                                        Have a nice night

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Better set lower expectations for yourself each time you want to climb. Might be get 3k in 5 months, then 4k in a year, then 5k in 10 million years. The point is setting unreal and perhaps too high expectations for yourself with cause you to get bored with the climb, or just quit when you get hit by the hard realization than you may never get 5k.

                                          Just do baby steps.


                                            I got from 4330 to 5644 in barely 3 weeks.

                                            You can do it friend if you are good

                                            Watch replay of your games and analayze your mistakes and bad moves


                                              DonFrank your riki is absolutely disturbing and disgusting. Do you believe you can make it past 6k?

                                              Story Time

                                                if good players progress with 55% win rate then every 100 games you will get 250mmr, so 1k mmr is about 400 games, and from 3k to 6k - it will 1200 games. Two games per day and you are there in 20 months :D


                                                  I'm finaly 3K (3019)
                                                  looks like my path is more of a agressive support role (cm, kotl, dark seer) that piss off everyone and got good controls, also nukes everyone

                                                  what pos is this? 2-3?

                                                  oh well 3K is still bad and i stomp all night all day long if i take my heroes


                                                  -how the fuck do you counter morphling and chaos knight, those two are really scaring me

                                                  thanks and have a nice night

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    3K to 6K


                                                      I was 2900 when i made this thread, i'm on dormitory so i can't play the week, ive had some retarded players this week so it took longer than expected

                                                      and it doesn't awnser my question.

                                                      Story Time

                                                        ck is easily countered by aoe nukes or attacks, no illusion = no ck power, check out medusa sven, timber and axe


                                                          you have to buy wards if your team losing 5v5 fights so your mates can splitpush at least
                                                          you have to pick better and know at least basic counters in game (like am > morph, ursa >jug/timber, bs > am, bs/KOTL > timber, nyx > bat etc etc etc) like if you gonna first pick wk you will lose game to your teammates like 9/10 games


                                                            the only counter i know and worked 2 times out of 2 tries was legion against AM, big creep giving me duel damages and I made him useless
                                                            also Dark seer against Templar, making her shields useless

                                                            I don't really buy wards that much, i'm the kind of players that feels whats going to happen and call it, but with CM i buy a lot more than usual (cause i stomp and got easy money; also lvl 20 talent)

                                                            Jörg Kachelmann

                                                              you can counter morph with bane on the lane.

                                                              silence + stuns work well.

                                                              If you try to counter him in mid to late game, you will have a bad time.

                                                              you than can just hope your team has the better late game.


                                                                Make a smurf, play on it and calibrate at 4K which is easy, after that play 20-30 games which you'll most likely feed but take the time to learn what they do differently, then come back to your trash can account and dumpster kids for a while.


                                                                  you wanna boost your skill and mmr really high?

                                                                  do the opposite of what you're doing right now:

                                                                  * only pick 1-3 heroes

                                                                  *pick one of those 1-3 heroes and instapick it every game for as many games as it takes, till you can win with that hero while instapicked against your strongest counters.

                                                                  example one hero is brood, you instapick him first pick every game and go offlane till you're good enough to beat 3lane with like sven + lion + earthshaker AND win that game by yourself.

                                                                  till you can do that, you keep instapicking that brood.

                                                                  *dont communicate AT ALL, mute every single teammate and enemy after the picking phase and do your thing for yourself, by yourself.

                                                                  *don't play all roles, learn only 1-2 roles and master them. and only play those 1-2 roles with your 1-3 heroes

                                                                  * only winrate is acceptable with your top 1-3 heroes and it can't be anywhere below 60% and at least 200+ matches on each

                                                                  so after you've mastered a hero, aka have at least 300+ matches, 65%+ winrate and you can instapick him and get tottaly countered and still own then you can move to the next hero

                                                                  and you increase your hero pool like that.

                                                                  that is the fastest ingame method of learning and getting high mmr,

                                                                  the only method that is faster than that is obviously the fastest method overall= replay analysis.

                                                                  if you TRULY want high mmr, take my word for it. replay analysis and hero mastery is the fastest combo

                                                                  it is really stressful as you're pretty much torturing yourself instead of playing a game, but it's efficient beyond belief.


                                                                    You can do it - just farm your fucking head off

                                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.


                                                                          What cookie said is actually true lol. Picking 1-3hero is not as boring as u think. I picked luna if already picked i pick jugg if we need offlane i pick brood. Anyway u should try core hero sometimes, it actually improve your supp hero by a lot because you need to know what your carry wants.


                                                                            i took cookie's advice and ive alr climbed over 800 mmr (2700 to where i am now) in just a short timeframe from august to now (note that im not even a good player)

                                                                            i just spammed timber during 6.88, lycan in 7.00, and now im using centaur and underlord