General Discussion

General DiscussionI cant win with juggernaut

I cant win with juggernaut in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    tbh i feel i was good with jugg, but right now i cant win with juggernaut, i dont know what item to build on him in this meta, i go usually bf + manta then diffusal butterfly etc, but it isn't working anymore, i feel jugg is like the old school hard carry of always, so i feel pretty sad when losing with him, can some1 check those games with juggernat and tell me what am i doing bad?


      I'm feeling the same way towards Shadow Fiend. :(


        Replace BF with manta and you gucci
        Slip up HoTD before manta if you're good with micro


          Still won against me with him 1v1


            Why the hell would you finish your boots after BF


              Well I see a lot of variance with your build each game and Phase and Manta seems to be your core items. This is a good sign that you adapt to each match. Versatility is one of Juggernaut's greatest strengths.

              I don't think you are doing anything wrong maybe you are but I'm too lazy to check your Battlefury games whether you got a lot of last hits. Anyways Juggernaut is a fearsome carry, and he hits his highest power spike in terms of Omnislash potential relatively early. This also means he falls off quite earlier than other hard carries. You've got itemization down, possibly also laning. Now work on identifying win conditions for your team.


                Phase aquila hotd manta mjolnir +anything


                  Plz stop building bf sny plz. You can get hotd which is very good with jugg. After that you havee 2 choice
                  Manta diff or manta mjonir.


                    Jugg is very popular in pubs because he destroys or have synergy with other popular pub hero. For example, you have lc in your team, omni duel=dead hero. Jugg is also a very fast farming hero which dont have a farming tool except for blade fury. Getting a bf nowadays is very situational. Item timing:
                    Manta at least 20min into the game
                    Mjonir at least 30min
                    Diff around 23min


                      BF is super duper situational right now not even considering it at all is fine
                      Maybe against illusion heroes but hey, now we have mjolnir!


                        have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                          go hotd mael instead then go manta (diff) abyssal

                          Speak English, Pick Stuns

                            Phase, Manta, Silver Edge, Diffusal, Bfly


                              No battle fury pls!

                              Sugar Show

                                Try playing jungle juggernaut.


                                  HOTD Jugg is actually a thing huh? Didn't experience that yet.

                                  \\  VintageR  \\

                                    okay guys i will try the HotD thing, i can actually stun 2 enemies with centaur :D
                                    @Cookie, come on dude, dont be silly lol
                                    and about jungle juggernaut, idk man, is it really works? cuz i hate jungle pickers, i dont know why, but almost always when i play jungle i think i could better play roam and try to get some kills, since i really think 7.0x meta is all about early dominance + push strat (but hey, cumbacks are always possible)
                                    anyway thx for the advices, dotabuff communite', i always think redditors are cancer but dotabuff is love, dotabuff is life.

                                    Not Saske

                                      same, i never win with meepo, even with script :(


                                        Phase, Mask of Madness, Manta/Mjollnir, Butterfly. If you facing illusions get Mjollnir and Abysal to block illusions. Just try new things and be flexible in your build coz there is so many items you can try and on ly have 6 slots.

                                        fear is the mind killer

                                          ^ don't do that. I think the optimal build is manta>mjollnir>abyssal> the fuck you want and the early hotd if you want


                                            Yea lets get a fucking item that silences yourself and reduces your armor in exchange of some attack speed on a hero with one of the lowest BAT in the game and carries by dealing right click damage and uses his spell to dodge shits and slip in and out of a fight
                                            Abyssal isn't even made to block illu damage although you usually get it on jugg


                                              Get the bladefury dps vs illu hero. It does 1200 damage! After reduction


                                                Get hotd or you are an idiot. With hotd+aquila you can just run at people earlygame which fits the hero perfectly. After your earlygame items there are two routes, the manta->diffusal->dagger fighting route or the manta->mjollnir->skadi farming route, adjust to either depending on game flow.


                                                  90% of the time under 25 mins I build manta+diffusal+blink. Blink is so underrated on juggernaut where in the first place you can solo kill a support without using your ult.