General Discussion

General DiscussionCan i climb by first picking safelane every game?

Can i climb by first picking safelane every game? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Sitting at 4.2k, looking to get into the serious grind to 5k this year.

    I've learned that I'm best at the safelane carry role, and that i need consistency to perform optimally.

    Will it tilt too many SEA griefers if you first pick a safelane carry? I can't afford just highlighting as again, I want consistency.


      No problem


        42% ranked winrate tho

        Fox McCloud

          The shitty winrate was honestly because i forced myself to play heroes i wasnt 100% comfortable with. Not necessarilly a bad thing, i know, but i realize my narrow skillset.


            no you can't
            if you first pick safelane you tilt your team every game (for some reason)
            i always get flamed when i do this
            unless you pick some super meta hero that needs fp (luna and mk, maybe)

            to maximize winrate you need to mark safelane and ask kindly to play carry and be available to pick suport if someone else pick pos1


              it's not the hero, it's the player playing the hero.

              there are 8k+ players in every role


                Why there are no 9k pos 3 yet :thinking:

                basement :)

                  Safe lane core is the easiest role to climb. As in, easier to carry morons.


                    Mid is the most rewarding I think
                    Although, gitting gud at mid isn't as easy as gitting gud at safelane


                      I love when enemy first pick carry so i can counter him since i like playing offlane.


                        safe lane carry is easiest shit to play if ur only good at that means u suck hard bro

                        Fox McCloud

                          I understand that one can climb using any role. It's just that personally, I don't have THAT much time to play per week so if i'm looking to seriously climb i need repetition and consitency.

                          In that case i find the (easy) role of safelane carry most comfortable. This thread is asking the question of whether or not first picking a safelane hero every game is ok, or will it be too much of a morale hit to the team.

                          I dont wanna insta- tilt my team every game.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            its not ok unless u pick luna sometimes even that is bad


                              its not possible, only if u first mark safelane and ur team accept, otherwise u will get reported and end up low prio all 5-10 Games, thats my experience

                              Fee Too Pee

                                this patch , the most fun , entertaining , and actually can be abuse is offlane for me

                                if u can contest farm using shrine and actually killed safe lane carry couple times its actually already win


                                  Just pick Luna and you'll be 6k in no time.


                                    Cut is climbing in 6k faster than me climbing in 3k :(


                                      @CUT n paste
                                      How did you get to 255th round in DARK MOON, lol.....