General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does Dotabuff show Dark Moon games as losses?

Why does Dotabuff show Dark Moon games as losses? in General Discussion

    In the client it shows all your Dark Moon games as a wins giving you this lovely wall of green. However in Dotabuff all the Dark Moon matches are shown as the humiliating red loss (I'm assuming it will show as a win if you actually beat the game but I don't know.)

    Please change this so that I can feel good about myself when I open Dotabuff instead of being greeted by a wall of Red.


      actual wins are shown as wins
      it makes more sense than the in-game style


        I know it makes more sense but I want to see a wall of green :(

        Vem Comigo

          yes, since i am only playing the event my page is red


            just beat the game.