General Discussion

General DiscussionAba Offlane

Aba Offlane in General Discussion

    how good is he this patch, on offlane particularly?


      He was always really good, only if you know what the win builds are and how to lane.
      Solo offlane Aba is one of my top and favourite heroes.

      Most people just don't understand how good of an offlaner he is, IMO.

      I've used 3 different itembuilds. Greaves into Aghs/Pipe full utility (isn't the best build really), lately switched to two variations of Phase+Vlads: either Radiance+BM+Shivas+*Semicarry items*=GG or BM+Aghs+*Utility*=GG (a flexible way to win, you can adapt to be greedy or not, while maintaining efficiency).

      You have a bad team, then you go greedy (semicarry way akin to offlane LD) and carry them, even if you're almost 1 vs 9.

      You have a good team, you leave them farm and go Aghs+utility (semisupport way akin to Underlord) after Phase+Vlads.

      You win most games either way.

      All my games in this patch (7.01):
      You can judge how efficient he is this patch by my stats in your average 3-4k dumpster.
      All these games are exclusively solo offlane Aba.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Pretty sure u play him as a pos 4, but offlane is good too. Just buy the mek and vlads and basically underlord items. Aether is good for support, and blink is good too. Mainly good for aphotic shield removing stuns like oracle ulti.


          Also his winrate is absurd.

          Massive Dynamic

            I'm glad to see Abaddon is getting some love on DB forums. He is pretty good this patch, although I hate the new mist coil, it's so much worse at pulling off clutch saves or denies.


              the apothic shield is awesome, you can remove most disable so you can espace most situations. once you hit lvl 6 in offlane you become pretty much unkillable.

              I think he is better as pos 4, since he doesnt provide much for lategame teamfights like most other popular offlaners.


                Nice topic. I could really use some abaddon supp tips


                  tranquil boots, stick (maybe raindrop), soul ring, mek i would buy for sure.
                  after that you can go whatever your team needs. popular right now due to the current meta is pipe of insight, you can also go aghs for full tank mode, maybe aether lens or rod of athos.

                  after mek you can really get creative imo.
                  one thing i never bought is helmet of dominator, maybe thats good as well?

                  skills you can skip the passive and focus the shield and the heal/nuke and the ultimate

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    That's exactly why I am at 80% winrate and 7 avg KDA with him this patch.

                    People don't realize how much he provides lategame, given right items, compared to almost any other offlaner.

                    I've stopped going Mek->Greaves + Pipe, because sure, you'll win most games, but sometimes you just can do nothing as a pure utility hero. You can't carry a bad carry or mid that way. You'll win more than with Greaves, for you'll win some otherwise unwinnable games that way.

                    With Phase+Vlads and farming a bit more, you can always have a way out and blame yourself for the lost game even if your team sucks.

                    Just my 5 cents again.

                    I've also used not to skill E until later on, but realized that's not the way to go at some point.

                    Would win much more consistently with 1-3-1-1 build by six, prioritizing R->W->Q->E later on.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      You should get domi IMO.


                        He is quite heavily buff due to the popularity of ember and slad supp. He dont have a great initiation tool but it is solve by haveing a ember or a slad supp in your team. However in most lineup underlord is still better by a bit and ds too because of the insane farming speed

                        casual gamer

                          strong as fuck

                          and if u pair him with another guy like jakiro or tree u have probably a 30-40% to automatically win the game


                            Decided to play aba and had a worse game ever


                              It is really hard to get 10 deaths as Abaddon.

                              Your skillbuild is crap, but still, you must either be unlucky in that particular game or doing something wrong.

                              There were only 3-4 instances of me dying this much on Aba over 100+ games (counting all games on this acc +20-30 on smurf).

                              Why'd you buy 10 obs? Did you want to play full supp? If you wanted to support, why'd you go Phase/Vlads?

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                It's because i am a support. You can see it on my name. Yes i tried your recommended items, just two unfortunately, so next game i should not try to supp aba? How is your playstyle, carry aba or semi-carry


                                  played 4 games with aba today, won all of them tho xd haHAA

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    U never carry aba and semi carry is highly situational. You basically buy all the aura's like vlads, pipe, crimson, mek, hotd, even late game an ac if no one else has one. Aghs is nice too since it allows ur time to buy more dmg and you to effectively buy the survivability of the team. Thing is if u wanna go full support on aba, then an aether lens or force staff are usually better options, leave that vlads for ur offlane underlord or some shit.


                                      Abaddon is amazing this patch. He keeps cores fighting, while tanking damage like crazy. Just please DO NOT pick abaddon into slark. PLZ


                                        I am neither. I don't really build direct right click items or very rarely.
                                        I build Aghs, Vlads/Drums, Phase, BM, Radiance, Shivas (way superior than AC on Aba) and Pipe. Abyssal/Mjolnir rarely. Even rarely I may go Octarine.

                                        I don't play support Aba. My build is not suitable by any means for a support Abaddon.
                                        You inflict DPS through auras/blademail and tanking the shit up, rightclicking their physical core.
                                        You don't lick your carry/mid's butthole as an offlane, neither do you buy wards, unless really in need or to block a spawn.

                                        My playstyle is akin to that of the old meta Lone Druid, except I don't AFK farm and always have a TP.

                                        I would never ever consider playing a safelane full support Aba, because that's like very weak for such a nice hero.


                                          And btw, Slark doesn't counter Aba if you're at least decently competent at a rating under 4500 MMR or so.
                                          I've lost only 3 out of 85 games on this acc as Aba to Slark.

                                          You can fp Abba at 2-3k and dumpster no matter what the opponent picks.


                                            Aba cant farm radiance even though its a gr8 item to have. Id rather pick up smaller items. Shivas is better than ac sometimes, but ac suits his pushing style.


                                              But you can farm Radiance pretty easily.
                                              You can jungle and kill ancient camps with just Phase+Basil.

                                              Check these games. In none of them I am a safelane carry or mid.
                                              Almost all of them are Radiance build. In two of these I played vs a 5.1k/5.2k if I can recall. Lost none.

                                              You underestimate how much farming capabilities an offlane Aba has.
                                              I am not taking that farm from my mid/carry either.

                                              You farm two offlane jungle spawns+lane+ancient spawn+enemy ancient spawn and two jungle spots if you dominate, make TP's in fights and to save teammates.

                                              EASY Radiance. And my carry/mid don't lose GPM either, so it's a win-win.
                                              I go Phase->Vlads->Radiance->BM->Shivas/Pipe if I am greedy, which I almost always am.

                                              In case I play with higher rated players, I just ward around the jungle spots/my lane to know when I am clear to go farming.

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