General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP Luna

RIP Luna in General Discussion
7ft4 PG

    No more SD luna bible fucking thump

    casual gamer



        Fx will go back to 1k

        7ft4 PG

          lol how road to 3k so i need to learn again in 7.02 sad me

          7ft4 PG

            play d0t0 alwAy learn KaPPA


              he didnt change the reason why luna is strong so lets enjoy more before the real nerf


                See profile 2.5 mmr. I think my luna winrate will drop by 0.0000001% with the nerf feelsblackman

                7ft4 PG

                  LOL LMAO ROFL

                  7ft4 PG

                    Osfrog fucked luna so hard


                      WOW EXTRA 1 STRENGTH!!!!!1 VOID OP TIME TO SPAM HIM


                        I don't think Luna got nerfed very much but SD+Luna seems a lot weaker.