General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to solo support with greedy line up?

How to solo support with greedy line up? in General Discussion

    In my last game, I found myself playing Silencer as a solo support with Invoker, Magnus, Anti Mage and Wraith King as my teammates.
    Invoker went mid lane, Anti Mage went solo offlane, Magnus afk jungle, and Wraith King and I went safelane (maybe he would go jungle if magnus didn't go jungle).
    Just like some of my past matches, my mind always get crazy when someone pick core hero in jungle. But i always try to calm down and somehow win some of those match.
    But in this game, for the first time i have an intuition that i can't win this game. I was trying to zone and harras enemy's dual offlaner (maybe i should not do that), but it didn't work.
    One thing that makes me so crazy is that all my teammates was blaming me. I know i was suck. but.. mm... ok.. thats it. I was suck. Thats fine. I can't provide vision for my teammates alone. Our enemies wents super aggresive early game knowing we have afk jungler in our team. I can't rotate to help other lanes because my safelane was so weak. That's why i was suck.
    I won't blame magnus that went jungle and go first item Battle Fury. I won't blame Wraith king who didn't max his stun first(maybe because he want to go jungle actually).

    I just want to ask if there were something i can do to win that game actually and tell me how. I already try to analyze the replay but my mind still on a bad condition i guess haha.
    So, i will really appreciate someone who can give some advices.

    Match ID : 2999421889

    Thanks. (Sorry if my english is bad).


      Don't feed.


        Tell Magnus to buy wards.


          Tell WK to gank mid.

          Not smurfing is also a solution. All games in the 1k-4k mmr range while smurfing are toxic x1000.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          1-IceTea 🌟

            I always jungle want to practice more solo support with me? :happy:

              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                >seriously playing solo support in NS

                I bet you enjoy sexual masochism too.
                I am just sincerely stating what I think.

                P.S. Jungle WK wins games solo. It was exactly how I grinded 3k. Yours has a brain-damaged build though.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  The enemy had 5 heroes that are good at ganking and picking off solo heroes. So you and your team should stick together and force them to take teamfights since with Invoker and Magnus you have much stronger teamfight. You died a lot so I'm guessing you were not always with your team.
                  You made the typical mistake that solo supports do. You didn't get any farm at all. Against a team like theirs you need to get farm wherever you can and get a defensive item ASAP. Glimmer would have been good that game.
                  You should have got the armour talent at 10, bonus int will do nothing for you in a game like that. Also might have been better to max Last Word, it silences and does a lot of damage.
                  WK not maxing stun is fine. It only increases the damage so as long as you have a value point it is still just as effective as a disable.

                  Cancer Malaria

                    13mins deso on clinkz? and you guys dont have a good ganking or counter ganking hero. I would say abaddon that wk, cause in the end you cant get all those core to be 6 slotted. you need to farm up as well, since if they started blaming you, you should just start taking their last hits to buy wards and be more effective. dont be the good guy anymore(but dont trash talk back just muted them). avoid dying to protect all the cores cause you are solo support, means you are more valuable. focus only on 1 core to effectively get early 6 slotted. in this case i would suggest am since he would have the better late game. other than that i would have to say it is a hard game, its alright to lose and get blame for no reason one in a while that just typical dota i guess.

                    GRANT MACDONALD

                      A 4 core lineup will relentlessly flame solo supports and if you dont have the entire map lit up with wards like ags treant, its: "GG no support no wards"
                      Even if you buy them when they are always on cd and place them near objectives

                      Cancer Malaria

                        then again am item build is stupid so i dunno


                          Alright. If I were you and I were forced to play only slave-tier support role in NS and at the same time must gain pts, what would I do?

                          I wouldn't play like you at all.

                          I wouldn't ever pick Silencer. Wtf? You provide no utility outside of your lane, you can't pressure and gank for shit, nor can you save anyone later.

                          I'd either pick a greedy ass Treant/Warlock/AA and rush Midas. I would still buy cour, etc, but I'd rush Midas and get stuff like Aghs, Octarine, etc.

                          Or I'd pick a pick-off support, buy smokes and run around the map making kills happen, like Disruptor or Pudge.

                          Or I'd pick a lane support, but not shit like Dazzle or Silencer. I'd pick Omni, carry a TP with me and save retards.

                          And support isn't a synonym for carry's cuckold slave, remember.

                          I bet most of the games you play like that, where it's as if you're figuratively trying to clean the asshole of your carry with your tongue. You run around feeding with no farm after that.

                          This doesn't work.
                          Support =/= lane slave.

                          You either make the shit around the map happen by assisting/saving OR you farm yourself up.
                          Else you're a walking bag of gold for the enemy and have low actual impact.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Thanks for the advices guys. I just feel so bad after that game. Feel better now and I realize that there are still many things that I can improve. Many mistakes i made that game because i was lost my focus in the middle of the game because my teammates was blaming me so hard.
                            I don't hate jungler, i just hate afk jungler. Good jungler get item that can help their team well such as blink dagger as soon as possible or they will help lane if they watch their teammates in trouble.

                            Love you all guys.


                              Supporting isn't just about sitting in the lane sucking xp and harassing the opposing laner

                              Erase Humanity

                                I usually commend supports. It's just something beautiful and gorgeous to see someone selfless cares for you in this often selfish community. It's not your fault that your selfish teammates draft 3 super late gamers( except WK), 2 hard carries, 2 mids, no offlaner, no support, no early gamer, just one mid gamer.

                                Erase Humanity

                                  5 man counters gank. Split push counters 5 man. Gank counters split push. Let's see what your team does early to mid game:
                                  Am: split push
                                  Magnus: team fight
                                  Invoker: team fight
                                  WK: team fight
                                  Silencer: team fight
                                  PA: ganker
                                  Clinkz: ganker
                                  Slardar: team fight
                                  Storm spirit: split push
                                  Visage: team fight
                                  You had to 5 man to avoid ganks. But your teammates probably went for solo farming because clearly they were greedy. A defensive counter ganker support pick would be good for you maybe.