General Discussion

General Discussionim shit at mid

im shit at mid in General Discussion

    can someone watch first 10-15 min of this game and roast me?

    video of my perspective

    thx if anyones up to it


      Your MMR is much higher than mine but like I skimmed through it for the luls

      From what I saw you didn't gank that much, SF has decent ganking potential, you get souls from kills and your team gets an easier lane.

      Also when Jugg is mid and hits 6 I feel you need to be super passive since he can just run under tower after a creep wave and spin+omni you.

      CS was good, better than me lul.


        Also denies are important mid especially as SF since ya know souls and such.


          There was a lot of opportunity for you to harass the Jugg but you didn't, you should have been using your range advantage to bully him. Your last-hitting was really weak at the start but that's just how SF goes sometimes. I think it was good of you to stay in lane and take the t1 at minute 11, netted you much needed gold and experience.

          Really surprising that your team didn't gank for you considering you guys had a WD and ES, would have helped a lot. I would have asked for a gank although it's their job to know better. Not sure who picked in what order but everyone seems to be playing their own game and not thinking about what benefits the team as a whole.


            Spent 4 minutes of my life that I cannot get back.

            1) Creep aggro - not just to get creeps in a more favorable position, but learn how to do it more usefully. Make them move so Jugg will miss a cs or deny, that kinda thing.

            2) Harass their mid player, check his items? I don't recall, but it didn't look as though you checked Jugg's items to see if you could harass, or even trade hits with him. As far as you could have known he could have arrived at the lane with nothing and proceeded to share CS with you as if he was an equal.

            3) You don't check lanes - items - pretty much move camera from mid at all. Very surprising to me as I am often ganked and killed mid if I am not vigilant here. Also, Pudge kinda roamed mid once for no apparent reason at 4 minutes. Maybe its the impact I make on the mid laner, but I often get ganked by 2 or 3 at that point - smoked up or tryharding some other way.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Did someone say SF should gank???



                Ave with an internet pfp

                  Acaully if i play sf i would farm and farm and farm , get kills if i can but i will only ganking after i get a sb .


                    Didn't know SF is such a good ganking hero. Lul. I guess it can work because no one expects an SF to rotate to gank a lane. Most wil just assume u are farming jungle


                      Sf gank lul


                        Sf gank lul

                        casual gamer

                          only with haste or invis then you can get easy kills :v


                            get gunked kids


                              I got ganked by a no mobility troll and i got bashed twice in 5 hit.


                                U basically shud only visit another lane early if they are diving and u can tp and raze for a double kill or smth. And even with haste and invis its only good after lvl 9 with max souls and requiem


                                  You don't have to wait until you're lvl 9 to start taking advantage of ganking


                                    Take advantage of sf's almost non existent ganking? WutFace