General Discussion

General DiscussionJungling guide , please any jungler like 1icetea.

Jungling guide , please any jungler like 1icetea. in General Discussion

    Help. I just use LS as a jungler. I want know the mechanics of jungling and want to git gud. Any help will work but please dont just shitpost

    1-IceTea 🌟

      start with iron talon and tango take 2 medium camp,take large camp go shrine take 2 large 1 medium go shrine and you can sustain your self after that.
      Don't thank me I am always here to help,just keep it in your heart. :smile:


        What heroes can efficiently jungle under 10min mark?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Alot,Lycan,BS,LC,X ect

          basement :)

            Do not listen to him. He will give you lice.

            Fee Too Pee

              3k scrub but i will just say what junglers that always make impact in my bracket :
              Never lifestealer, or hard carries in general , jungle :

              They farmed but team always lack lockdown
              10 minute with no impact at all and beyond
              team ded

              Pick those junglers that quickly have massive power spike with abusing exp and gold jungle fast
              Bloodseeker : phase boot + rupture at minute 6 is so strong
              axe : you should offlane but hey if you can quick dagge and ganking it can works
              enigma : obvious
              LC : Naked dagger and roam

              my favourite jungler in my team is only bloodseekers so i recommend you try bloodseeker

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Bloodseeker is easy to jungle with. Could tell me what skill build does a jungle bloodseeker goes ?

                Catsys Rivers

                  I'll tell you something no one ever told me about jungling with ranged heroes... who shouldn't be jungling... which may be why no one ever told me about this, but anyway! Where a melee hero will want to try to choke point them or build certain items to tank and regen, a ranged hero like Lina, QoP, or Mirana have to do it differently without taking damage. This method is as follows: attack them and pull them out as far as they can get without doing damage to you and then... attack click the ground. You'll pretty much draw them out without having to do anything else but sit there and watch your ranged hero farm and not take damage. I don't recommend taking a ranged hero jungling, but if you must, that's how you do it. Its... the only way I jungle because I only play ranged heroes and I roam. A lot.


                    you do the same with melee jungle, so you take less attacks from creeps

                    Catsys Rivers

                      Oh, so it wasn't a secret in any form?... ever? at all? :S


                        Agreed with backpack. Most ,if not all , junglers do that xD
                        But thanks for posting.
                        Has anyone tried to jungle with a ranged hero before? I mean is it possible?


                          I once went to jungle with luna because of normal skill bracket reasons. first few minutes are hard but after that she farms very fast


                            Pugna is a great jungler as well

                            Iron talon and just stack camps and use ur aoe spell


                              Bs jungle takes 2 levels in bloodrage, for 100% uptime (6 sec duration and 6 sec cd), but whether u take second bloodrage at lvl 3 or 4 (3 for faster jungle, otherwise bloodrite at 3 and second bloodrage at 4 for ganking)


                                fastest jungler is veno -> lvl 6 in 4 min

                                best junglers if u want to jungle less than 8 min are bs, enigma, ld, ursa, lc, lycan, chen, sk, np, cm, ench -> for most of these heroes u want to farm a fast blink dagger and start ganking.

                                efficient junglers who are usually longer then 8 min in jungle are sniper, wk, storm, axe, bat, bm, doom, jugger, ls, luna, magnus, tb, troll, weaver, mirana, magnus, sven -> there is a huge chance u will get flamed and tilt the rest of ur team if u jungle more than 8 mins.

                                with melee junglers start with talon and reg/2 branches. first item is stout. after u hit creep make a small move back to tank less dmg.

                                with ranged heroes u start with talon too but u dont need stout because if u do it right u wont get much dmg. u can also cut trees at certain spots and hit the creeps from uphill position.


                                  for bs jungle: 1st skill blood rage, 2nd and 3rd thirst, 4th is blood rite, 5th thirst, 6th is rupture -> when u hit 6 gang enemy mid in best case. its better to skill 1 time blood rite instead of 2 times blood rage. u will need it for early gangs. when ulti is on cd head back to jungle and come out for next one. pretty ez hero

                                  fear is the mind killer

                                    what about learning the actual game lmao

                                    casual gamer

                                      this fucking 5.6k on my fl keeps playing jungle carry its mildly triggering

                                      he just got lpq from picking it in a 6k avg game rofl


                                        protip: talon + qb dmg stacks


                                          i go first Small camp ( only once ) then go medium again medium shrine hard base meduim
                                          only once u can go small camp rest anything else unless u rly cant do nothing than kill small camp
                                          its not worth farm small camp after 4 min xD


                                            "protip: talon + qb dmg stacks"

                                            wow thats actually very nice tip, since i play more than half of my games in jungle. ty very much!


                                              i would recommend buying axe + shield + ring of protection and buy iron talon recipe after bounty or after you have money for it, in this case with legion you do not even need shrine and can fully sustain yourself up till you go fight. If you do not need to go to shrine - you are not wasting time in walking without getting exp/gold.

                                              if you talk about what heroes are best for jungling?
                                              in terms of exp/gold probably fastest start is given to axe.
                                              Then Ursa/Bloodseeker is about even and then Legion.
                                              Lifestealer is next, and lifestealer has huge buff for level 3-5 since he can take ancients (if they are dragons/golems or lizards) very early and feed on them.
                                              Among the others worth mentioning junglers first comes in mind troll/WK, but with troll especially quite some skill is needed.

                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                Pro tip always use base shrines only and use courier while at base to not fuk with ur mid laner's tempo


                                                  Look at my last LS game. I don't think I farmed efficiently , I started with 2 small camps and started ancient after getting armlet. That match was just a luck as I just got some early kills and assists so could sustain myself for the later half of the game.


                                                    Jungling is basically only good for chen, cm, ench, and bs. I cant think of anyone else whi should or wants to jungle lvl 1, if u do its cuz u have to.


                                                      If u want to be a good player, STOP make Lifestealer for jungling!


                                                        lifestealer and legion commander are better played in lane -_-


                                                          i dont know about lc. u get ur dagger faster in jungle..

                                                          @op never start with small camps unless maybe u are jungling with alche. always start near the tier2 tower mid. u can decide if u first pick hard or medium camp. u need to clear camp before 1 min mark to get a respawn. if u get golems or ogres on medium camp u probably need to stack. if cents are spamming go for hard camp cause u will kill it before first respawn.
                                                          btw the golem medium camp is imbalanced in my opinion. way too much total hp and offers nearly same xp + gold as other spawns.. best are satyr.


                                                            Jugglers make people mad unless it's a chen or ench or something that can gank. Never farm the small camp it will piss off both the safelane carry and support


                                                              Id go with a quick Jungle Veno

                                                              Typically, you go 1-1-3 by level 5 and can have either Arc boots and headdress or midas.
                                                              I go GG boots eventually so once I hit lvl 5 I either show up to help the offlaner OR... group up with safe laner+ support and take T1 tower, then head to Mid , take T1 tower , offlane, take T1

                                                              Also a fun veno fact, you get some nice aggressive wards up in enemy jungle after taking T1 and start stealing on the farm in enemy jungle.
                                                              Get my meckans, veil , force aghs. wards and just wreck towers.

                                                              Enjoy the MMR.

                                                              The key is only spending the first 5 - 7 mins in the jungle. because your going to be such a high level with wards, you can contest the offlane with the offlaner even if its a 3v2 scenario, with proper positioning with veno wards and the hero you will secure alot of farm for that offlaner/yourself and hurt he enemy safelaner

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                Jungling is basically only good for chen, cm, ench, and bs. I cant think of anyone else whi should or wants to jungle lvl 1, if u do its cuz u have to.

                                                                You talked like a pro,could you please analysis me?
                                                                THAS WHY PPL DISLIKE YOU,TALK SHIT WITHOUT PROOF


                                                                  Chen's highest winrate is jungle.
                                                                  Ench has a crap winrate in the jungle but my best guess is because she is bad and because people stay in the jungle too long thinking she is some hard core.
                                                                  Bs has his second highest winrate in jungle, mid is higher but i think its because he is only picked mid 10% of the time.
                                                                  Cm jungle has a lower winrate because she only should jungle for like 2 min, if she is a dedicated jungler its extremely bad.
                                                                  My point isnt that one wins more than the other.
                                                                  My point isnt that any of these junglers r hardcore junglers who sit and farm.
                                                                  My point is that this patch is abt five-manning, team fighting early, and not picking extremely greedy junglers. All of the junglers i mentioned shudnt stay in the jungle, they all rotate early, cm gets fast lvl 3 and then ganks, chen gets fast lvl 2 and then ganks, similar thing with ench although she can offlane too, and bs gets lvl 6 by 4 min and then creates an assload of space. If u pick someone to not contribute in the laning stage at all who cant make it up later like bs its fucking dumb. This is my opinion, but especially in this patch where snowballing is so key, laning 4v5 is such a disadvantage. At least chen and ench and cm can let their team 4v5 for abt 2 ish min before making up space quickly and winning multiple lanes, bs too except he starts his space creation later.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    you can't analyse heroes by winrate tbh cos most people don't know how to play


                                                                      I can't imagine why would anyone want to ask licetea for jungling advice :p

                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        read end comments

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