General Discussion

General Discussion100% win rate

100% win rate in General Discussion

    So I have been playing Dota for a long time and I noticed that there where a couple heroes that I had 100% win rates for and I got super excited. However the second I knew this I no longer wanted to pick these heroes unless I knew I was going to win. Right now this is currently my problem with under lord. I was wonder if anyone else has had the same thing. (I am dyslexic so if you could excuse grammar mistakes that be awesome)

    Edit made* Dora to Dota

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    Johnny Rico

      This is a dota forum, not a Dora the Adventurer forum.


        I know the feeling but dont feel it anymore. Because i know with my 7k skill i cant lose anyway ;)


          So I have been playing Dora for a long time


          Johnny Rico

            I can make fun of you, i am colorblind, the others i dont know about


              Wow I just saw it I am sorry.

              Johnny Rico

                No problem, just play the game, i had 100% in like 10 heroes all with more than 5 games, now i just play to have fun, i dont want to tilt anymore.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                casual gamer

                  just only play him in games u are heavily favored to win (with smurfs well below their real rating)


                    Right now on Underlord I have 10 games with 100% and it is so stressful to play him now.

                    ✪ Ben Dover

                      just yolo m8. spamming a hero that works for you means a higher win rate in general. you need to focus on improving, not maintaing an impossible win rate. (unless youre a 6k playing in 1k, then you can maintain a 100% win rate).

                      you can be a little selective tho. for example i lost my 100% spec today in a game i knew i will lose since load screen. 4 russians is never a good sign xD i guess i'll just aim for 66%+ on long term.


                        Yolo mate. Just lost my first game on 100% wr bAttlefury ursa. Rip.

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          Same. I hate when people call out by colo. eg : "Green go top". And you have no idea....


                            Lol I had not realized this would be a problem for you colourtards. I will be more sensitive next time


                              I play with a deaf team mate and it is always funny when people start yelling into there mics because he is not answering even after he has told them.

                              casual gamer

                                kudos to him playing without sound is a real disadvantage


                                  He wouldn't know lol

                                  Player 123655765

                                    It wouldn't be fun anymore if you get to deprive your self of not playing your best hero just because of a win rate. happens to me with silencer and since then I got to play him better after accepting the fact that I can't maintain a 100% win rate with him. Losing is good if you got to learn from it.