General Discussion

General Discussion4k ....

4k .... in General Discussion

    This bracket is so exhausting i almost fucking lost faith in dota today i was put with most toxic people on this planet ( more than hitler toxic )
    The toxicity was spread to all my extremities im paralized
    i dont know how u guys feel ppaying this bracket i would love to stop play dota forever but always keeps me back fuck u dota

    i get put in 4900 avg
    after that i get in 4100 mmr avg where i have 3k player and mark Midd insta Invoker and suck and solo lane as anti mage

    is Riki only way to get 5k for player like me ?

    Btw i lost 4 games vs pudge in row xD


      you'd be on my list too


        list of toxic players ? no in game im very nice and eloquent only if have 3k in team i starr flame but i dont trashtalk just play my game

        btw look this shit
        i was solo lane and stil did best in game and lose

        Use chatwhell=mute

          That is nothing. Compared to sea 3k.


            Wow.. Now he told his sad story like me before, you want sympathy from other here?and talk big in my topic before.. Talk about him being great player etc and can win every game he want and address me as scum. Eat your karma xD

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              I can get you a mirror for your birthday


                Yes I heard 4k sucks. Just get to 5k or stay 3k. Not too hard


                  how on earth you get calibrated into 4k, i earn my way to 4k calibrated at 2.2k. Just deal with it dont blame, and mute toxic players. it works most of the time.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    ^GJ cat


                      4K is a mix between people who know what they are doing and are slowly moving to 5k, and the rest are people who think they are moving to 5k but they can't, and become toxic.


                        I see :(


                          I have a theory on 4k toxicity. They are the group with the largest number of people that you could say are, 1) Extremely dedicated and 2) Have played a high number of games.

                          They have obviously played a shitton of games and got fairly good at the game. They are the ppl who treat the game a little more serious than the rest. That's where fatigue would start to be very noticeable given high number of games. It's also where there begins an interesting interaction between high dedication and stagnation (for the majority of 4ks who cannot improve into higher brackets).

                          Feelings of Loss of control over their games @ 50% win rate, Combined with perceived superior knowledge and expertise in the game due to high number of games played and high dedication.

                          Feelings of hatred towards teammates develop over time. Core-only syndrome develops.
                          inadaptability starts to set in along with a general feeling of fatigue.

                          Communication problems start to develop. Lack of trust with respect to teammates causes an unhealthy level of self importance and dunning Kruger in games.

                          This causes a shitton of babyrage and whining about teammates as their egos get bigger but their épéen smaller and smaller over time as they continuously try to inflate it on dotabuff.


                            If you are 4k after 5000 games you may be at risk. Go see your dota psychologist for a clinical assessment today.

                            casual gamer

                              dont worry i hate playing with 4ks in solo ranked too


                                if you have 8000 matches at 3k mmr, you do not fit the clinical criteria of having high dedication. it is more likely that you would need treatment for insanity, dota addiction, or filthy casual disorder. a more comprehsnive assessment would be in order.


                                  Lanto has already exhibited multiple traits of 4K toxicity syndrome. i think it is safe to say he needs help.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Your bracket is easy as fuck but also annoying asfuck. Just mute every single player and just carry 1v9. Because you really don't need an oppinion from people who feed like monkeys and somehow wants to tell you what to do despite you carrying them 1v9.


                                      Dude pretty sure that applies to every bracket below 5k


                                        ty for coments all

                                        @ blunt how is easy as fuck ??
                                        is riki and pudge only way to get of of this ?? i always lose vs those heroes

                                        casual gamer

                                          on 4k round 2 i pick only mk and necrophos 80% winrate 4475 to 5000


                                            k thx
                                            Neco riki Pudge are my next spamm to 5k

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              4k players are super autistic and easy to tilt.

                                              Either you sit afk mid with ogre or some shit or you simply splitpush. 4k people have dogshit map awareness and love wasting time doing nothing the whole game.

                                              As long you farm, push or win teamfight U'll win every single fight, because 4k people don't know what objectives are and keep trying to kill shit without thinking of destroying the ancient. It's sad as fuck.


                                                4.5k scum here

                                                I do not see the levels of toxicity you are describing. In fact Its been probably 20+ games since I've seen someone Rage and tilt and start running down mid. Lucky me I guess. In games where I have 5k players or higher, I usually play supports since they always want to carry and I'm predominately a support player.

                                                @Jacked. You have a pretty good hypothesis with respect to why 4K's tilt and rage so much.


                                                  4ks are indeed easy to tilt

                                                  @bung i played with 4900 avg and went offlane as axe still had 17 8 score and lose cause my 5ks are shit and toxic above human understanding xDD


                                                    So your saying that either 4 or 5k can still be shit, tilt and rage?

                                                    I could see that happening for sure.


                                                      I had a few toxic games in 4.5k+ but they are much less frequent than in 3k low 4k bracket. Most of the toxic games involved people unable/unwilling to communicate in english and high mmr spread which always leads to "gl staying in your bracket" shit. But overall I think it's getting a little better on average the higher up you go.


                                                        idk i have feeling i will never get 5k but i cant lose to 4200 < games anymore cause they are easy now for me
                                                        but then again i dont want to be stuck in 4k for year would rather stop playing dota tbh


                                                          I suppose just start spamming meta/imba heros as long as your proficient with them.

                                                          Otherwise, if you want to quit go for it.