General Discussion

General DiscussionAn Estimation of DOTA 2 MMR Distribution

An Estimation of DOTA 2 MMR Distribution in General Discussion

    Hi everyone,

    It is known that MMR distribution is unknown to us because players could choose to hide their MMR and I tried to estimate the MMR distribution based on the fact, the distribution of massive players' rating tends to be a normal distribution. Here is the link

    Would love feedback!


      4k is still top 10%? :0000


        Really interesting, thanks for posting

        I like the mathematical/statistical approach to mmr rather than just anecdotes which is what most people use for the topic

        Although I'm not sure about how accurate the calculation of will(MMR) is, since I think it's far more inconsistent and random than you're admitting
        Still great article though

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Is it really a normal distribution? Valve released distribution before

          not arin

            I only trust dotabuff and valve


              Yes, the MMR distribution is far more random in the 1000- and 5000+ and many guys stop playing rank after reaching milestones.

              I may make a more accurate estimation if I have more detailed data.


                What data did u use?

                fear is the mind killer

                  Kreygasm Goodjob

                  fear is the mind killer

                    The data is from dotamax