Range increasing is fine, it's useful when you initiate gank for someone slippery (puck or ember without linkens) from fogs.
(though if beast make agha it should be already mid or late game anyway)
As beastmaster I think my aura is more useful for my carry (not for me), so after I open with roar i will let my carry hit the target, I only provide the as aura.
CD reduction is so so but I also think need more CD reduction to make agha beast more impactful.
Aura is so good on bm cuz he has summons. There is no reason to stay afar when with necro and boars u can deal a lot of dmg.
Hotd, Vlads, Blink, Boots, Necro, Refresher, AC
Aghs for its price doesn't come anywhere near this list. Rework please.
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Does it need a rework?
I sincerely have no clue, when would I build it. It feels useless.
They may rework it by giving the Roar pure damage and decresing CD by current +10 seconds or so.
Range upgrade feels out of place and useless. You jump out in the enemy face to pop Necro and burst down, you're not the type of hero to actually stay afar.
(Inb4: Nobody plays this hero anyway, so why bother giving a fug)