General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on Silencer!!!

Thoughts on Silencer!!! in General Discussion
Mao Xina

    Firstly I have to admit that I am a big fan of this hero. But currently he is quite a crap I think. When u play him as a support he is kinda okay but not that good. And if u play him as a carry or mid I often think he is quite incompetent mostly as a mid hero. And yeah apart from r most of his skills are not strong enough. I wanna know ur opinions on this hero. Thanks alot.


      He is a situational pick to counter meta offlaners like enigma. He is a bad mid mostly because he is easily gankable, maybe a silencer io dual mid lol? As a support he is very good at zoning, i see a lot of curse level one, but with some stats and glaives lvl 1 i can zone rlly hard.


        Silencer is a good hero, he can be a good roamer-support, lane support and even carry. But in the last case, you should dominate and finish fast.
        Some people say that Silencer is weak character, but, well... check my winrate on it, he's definitely usefull.

        Player 123655765

          Mid against invoker tried it once, poor soul. but yeah easily gankable. Best when roaming, need a lot of team fight for the int buff. Favorite hero


            Silencer as a support just needs a force staff and by then he can build more carry like pike. I found silencer ogre works well cuz with bloodlust u can make support silencer a 4th core.


              he's op this patch


                How is he op this patch?


                  dont pick him if your line up has no stuns
                  edit: silencer is ok imo, makes the offlanes life a living hell

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                    He's balanced yet op played it support early game then carry late pretty much nice got 68% win rate

                    Mao Xina

                      Thanks for ur opinions. Like most of u said when play as a carry his biggest problem is his movement speed i think. And no need to mention his farming speed. I agree that as a support he is okay and does extremely well in laning phase and even can transit to extra core in late-game. But what i wonder is when heroes like od got buffed for irrelevant in competitive scene but why he isn't? Although its true that he is more versatile than od because he can play position 1 2 4 and 5 i still think he need some changes especially his e. Its silent duration is long but not quite handy and its cast point sucks too.

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                      white boy summer

                        dunno, but silencer was good when he was a complete cancer draining everyone's mana and when the last words actually made difference between casting a spell or waiting for the debuff. now without stun or root he is weak, and you have to be everywhere to get some int


                          It is extremely good with naix+slardar.