General Discussion

General Discussiongyrocopter

gyrocopter in General Discussion

    i seen gyro picked a lot by pros . Did he got buffed or smtg? He only good when you snowball like ember r8?


      hes only good if u get a time machine and warp back to 2015


        Pros are copying me
        Aquila HoTD DL butterfly meta incoming boys


          Pretty much a luna replacement I think

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Gyro is shit
            Agh's seems like the only way out


              I had a thought.
              What if the agh's attack would be a flak cannon proc? With a cooldown of about 3 seconds or more.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Still not good enough, the rest of his skills are just plain sad.


                  @luxon tbh that wud be one hundered thousand percent legit. It would make gyro legit. But maybe not 3 seconds but reduced dmg on the flaks. Although what aghs solves for gyro is his huge lack of single target physical, so maybe its fine the way it is. I think the aghs is fine, just that flak the skill itself needs a buff and gyro could become good again.


                    ive seen a lot of pros go aghs on gyro

                    casual gamer

                      just had enemy 6k pick gyro and of course he got shit on

                      Catsys Rivers

                        Pretty sure its only cause of the slight SnY update. That and a lot of drafts are centered around doing huge aoe magic damage and tossing Veils and hotd onto every hero and Gyro sorta benefits from having his team do that for him.