really midas?
i surely don't understand
i know midas makes us rich
but not that what i mean
i mean how to play alchemist properly
At your mmr, no one is going to stack neutrals for you, especially since 7.00 basically killed stacking, so you have to make them yourself. Get good at last hitting, learn to farm efficiently (NEVER TAKE A BOUNTY RUNE UNLESS ALL THE ENEMY'S CREEPS ARE DEAD AND YOU KNOW YOU CAN MAKE IT BACK IN TIME)
Actually. supports constantly ganking mid, warding the rune spawn to inform alche. That their is a bounty rune, stacking for you, give you kills, healing you and giving you farm. that is how the pros do there fast rad.
It would result in like 9-10 min rad.
13 minutes pros usually have armlet rad. Midone had 7 minutes fury as a safelaner. Just ensure last hits man and rune timings and rotating to junling in between but usually you wanna stay in lane
i understand now
alchemist is not for solo player
thank i appreciate it all of you
for @Spam luna ty i still w8ing bro
So this is the easiest way and the most boring way to escape your 1k mmr. if you haven't try alchemist try him and spam him for the sake who completely don't know how to play him I will explain this too. So what we want to get you out of 1k mmr is to go to rank, ban anything that you like then you pick mid and spam click alch. After that you buy pms and tango as your starting item keep in mind that this is the best starting item you can get. After that you either want the rune or not, if you are too kind and give your team the rune its fine or yes its also fine and do not ever level up your ability before going to take the rune. If you are 100% sure you wont get the rune just level up acid spray. After this you do mid stuff such as creep aggro spam acid spray. And your item build for the first 5 min will be soulring to boots to talon. This is what you get and you shall never change this. After that you will instantly queue up your radiance. Oh and don't forget when you get your bounty rune you must stack the creep. The item timing on your radiance will be 13 is the normal and the most is 15 min. And this is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, ALWAYS FARM NEVER JOIN FIGHT. Then by 23 min you must have rad manta bot and that's the average timing IF YOU GET A BAD LANING PHASE. Sure you can join fight after manta but do be EXTREMELY CAREFUL so that you wont die but obey this golden rule, never ever fight 24/7. So the portion between fighting is around 25% fighting 75% farming. Then get your octa within 27 min mark and keep the farming going till you are 6 slotted. The last 2 item is in your own decision but the best one I found is ac and shiva. Sure you can get abbysal hex but never go for damage item instantly. So my worst game so far is this vs bb mid and feed 2 times in the 1st 10 min and got a little farm and this game I got dual mid huskar and lc or timber(I forgot)
As you see I have a very low death and that is actually one of the most important thing too alch is for a solo player actually I win all of this game solo fuck 1k gpm ta guy. I'm the new 1k luna meme
Try to copy pros' farming patterns
They usually stay in the lane until you get armlet, and eat up stacks with spray near the lane, and get back to the lane
But in 1k most of the time you'll get passive shitfest and you can just afk at the lane, try to miss last hit as little as possible and get good radiance timing solely from lane creeps, then rice up both jungle and lane waves until you get enough items
And maybe avoid picking alche when your opponent is someone like meepo and AA
Meepo can kill you in your lane and he can hunt and burst you down really fast
AA is not so much of a problem but be werry about his SS because it will stop you regen
There are other heros too but those are mainly the things you should be worry about
Dont spam alche spam if you wanna gain mmr, spam in the meta heroes. But if you just wanna learn alche then why not
for your information i really confused played alchemist lastest game, I really2 confuse coz to much active item like armlet and manta(i build silver edge before manta) i sell the armlet for abbysal and takes 2 hours for me to win and i death double rather than kills
Alch is like super op in 1k actually. Its funny how you have octa rad manta bot while your enemy only have 1big item
Get armlet radiance BOT manta beforr 20 mins ! If u cant farm this under 20 mins dont expect that high GPM
Since the guide is for beginners i only puts out 1active item which is manta. Then the other active item is hex bkb abbysal shiva
Go mid.
More than likely need shield, some pooled tangos and trees. Get whatever you need to live (ie. wand, raindrops)
Item progression:
Bottle (minute 1-2 w/ bounty rune).
Brown Boots
Armlet (minute 5-8 at latest)
Push out your lane for runes, and the ability to stack camps. Push the lane with Acid Spray ofc. Also you can use Acid Spray to stack ancients if you have an offlaner who can tank them or smth.
This is a good example. Excuse my number of last hits tho, I am a normal skill newb.
The key is simply stacking appropiately pre 10 mins.
I used to do that 2x triple stack with the spray so that 6 minutes you have 2 adjacent camps triple stacked then you clear them with your ult and armlet at 6 minutes with acid spray. But I havent tried doing it after 7.00
Yea maybe you wanna the stuffs saiyan just said if you want to go beyond "hey i hit all the lane creeps and got 82/10" on your farm efficiency
Also what the fuck with that silver edge on your last game? No passive that's cancerous enough to make the SE pickup worth it
If slark or arc was the trouble, you could've gotten hex or bloodthorn
If SF or ursa was, you could've gotten AC or shiva for more EHP, or maybe even skadi to kite ursa around
@Spam luna ty
Soul Ring is nice, but if you are mid, and you are stacking camps, the bottle is nicer - esp. since yo uare picking up bounty runes anyway
If your 1.7k mmr quit watching streams, quit mimicing pros, quit everything that isnt playing also read up on some guides yes i said READ MOTHERF**KER no vids no streams read.
Play a lot and learn, watch replay if you really want to improve and analyze your misstakes with an open mind.
Fuck being 1.7k you have no buissness what so ever to ever watch a stream. (Dota stream you can ofc watch chess or something it will teach you just as much at 1.7k.)
if u really wants to learn, here I give u tips using Alchemist to get 1000 GPM in real game. 1. TAKE A LOT OF LAST HIT IN EARLY GAME 2. ALWAYS TAKE RUNE EVERY 2 MINS 3. ALWAYS SEE TIME (WHEN --.53 GO STACKING CREEP/ANCIENT CREEP CAMP)
when u using Alchemist try not to fight in early 15 mins, except u already have item (Radiance or Armlet, etc). cause Alche not a strong laner or not an early hero. just focus on creeping in 10 mins until u get item
The game I posted actually had a 1.1 GPM. Secret is to know when to push your lane (for stacking + runes) and how to push it.
I saw someone said that Alch wasn't a strong laner. That is just kinda not true. Alch is a great midlaner. Early game (pre lvl 6 he won't survive many ganks - but that is true for any midlaner if its a 3v1 and no TP's from your supports) he is great. His acid spray will zone out many mids if you know how to place it, and keep creeps where you want with aggro.
But yes, other good tips were:
Stack your camps - 2 at a time (with acid spray while manually pulling out the other one).
Ask your roaming support (if he IS in fact roaming) to stack whatever he is near at x:55.
Don't die. Literally every time you die is time off your items, and the earlier you get your items the more dominant you will be ALL game.
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for your information i never hit 1000gpm on alchemist
please do help thank you