General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy people buy midas on 20 min?

Why people buy midas on 20 min? in General Discussion

    I see a lot of games lately with midas after 2 core items, even on supports. I was told midas was supposed to be bought when you can get it before 8-10 min.

    Azai Nagamasa

      Well Midas does a lot especially for supports lacking experience and money because their cores are causing them to go bankcrupt mid-game especially under 2-3k mmr bracket. For cores who where lacking farm during the laning stage, midas is an option for them given that another hero/player can carry the game for a time and give space for that player (with late midas) to farm. 8-10 minutes Midas is already a given for fast farm but proven that games can end before 30 minutes, a player can really decide what to do with gold efficiency.

      Player 404335202

        Idk but i saw miracle building midas after phase boots urn and eul scepter on invoker ! Idk what was he thinking


          It'd be better if a higher mmr/more experienced person can answer this but I'll try to anyway.

          Building items is all about deciding your/your team's power spike. Certain heroes/strats don't really require that power spike that another item of equal 1900 value can bring.

          For example, there are some heroes like invoker who generally like building midas as a first item in order to increase the pace of his level gain. This makes him weaker in the early game, but his power spike becomes much more evident in the mid game.

          Other heroes like slardar may build them after getting blink, their biggest power spike, if they feel like they don't need another item to fight and at the same time their team composition requires them to roam/fight a lot. This allows them to keep up with farm and levels especially if they expect the game to last until the late-mid to late game.

          Midas is a greedy item with a pretty good pay off. If you feel like it's something you can get away with (not having that immediate 1900 power spike), then it should be considered.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            If 2k gold can change the game, don't get midas


              Yeah, voker needs levels, however if his team lacked lockdown/ dispel euls maybe was necessary, also euls is a high skill cap item


                There are people who go to church before 8 a clock every day.
                It doesnt mean you have to go BEFORE 8 A clock

                Or even that you have to go to church. At all.

                get my point?

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  also euls is a high skill cap item

                  also euls is a high skill cap item

                  also euls is a high skill cap item

                  also euls is a high skill cap item

                  also euls is a high skill cap item

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Would be legit on a pos 4 Slardar because with Blink and Force he's complete and aiming for other items with help of midas is much more stable since you initiate and risk a lot.


                      U buy late midas when u want levels and there isnt another item u want badly, at least on supports and pos 3 cores like nyx.


                        you build midas to snowball your lead at 6th minute mark
                        you build midas to catch up in levels after a bad start
                        you build midas to get some farm and exp going for the future when your hero is bad at farming
                        you build midas when its core on your hero because you need the level advantage desperately

