General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win as Sniper? 16x Lose strike.

How to win as Sniper? 16x Lose strike. in General Discussion
Sugar Show

    Top 1~3 of most damage done, yes.
    Lesser deaths of team, yes.
    Rotate lanes, yes.
    Help other lanes, yes.
    Carry always tp/detection, yes.
    Avoid ganks and give map awareness to team, yes.
    Focus the weak/closest/carry hero enemy in fights, yes.
    Get reported at end of the match, yes.

    I have been try every lane but the result is always the same, when team losing team fights quickly I notice someone writing "report sniper" even in my last game when went 12-0 without ever Ks.

    Zero's resurrection

      Will watch your most recent game and let you know how I felt.


        You rushed a heart of tarrasque on sniper.

        A heart of tarrasque


          try to push, no


            My Highest MMR on this account is 2.7k while another account of mine got calibrated to 3.1k

            I have been playing sniper since dota 1

            Here are a few things I found out:
            1. Heart, as an item is terrible on Sniper, don't build it let alone rush it as you do in many of your matches. Depend on your map awareness, hurricane pike and phase boots to survive.
            2. once you have maxed shrapnel, maxing take aim after one value point in headshot is a better skill build, you can check snipers skill build popularity and win rate to confirm this.
            3. shadow blade and silver edge is a situational item for removing pesky passives don't use it as an escape mechanism.
            4. Last but not the least pick sniper only when you have good frontlines and initiators while the enemy lineup dose not have very mobile heroes.

            Happy Sniping..!!

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            Zero's resurrection

              Dude,you've only played normal no ranked. I dont see the point of giving critique if you dont play ranked.


                The build is usually phase/treads dlance mael pike (tho order in these items depends) mjollnir crits (if u r protected) skadi (if not) then build ur crits after, mkb against evasion, bkb is sometimes needed but only in bery bad scenarios, butterfly/linkens/silver edge/manta/diffusal/deso/satanic r situational but only se if u need break, manta if u need dispel, diffusal if u need to burn mana (wk, dusa), linkens against those pesky ulti's like duel, butterfly when u cant help being jumped on and need to run away and not die, deso rarely but when u need to clean buildings, maybe a lategame backpack item, and satanic for the same reason as butterfly, but only if u wont get stunned and hp > evasion for that game. I have seen some MoM but idk if its good but it does seem theoretically gr8, i just dk where to fit it and if its needed.

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                      I play sniper all positions, have played support and offlane mostly. but carry and mid also. Feel free to ask me anything. Ma last game i had eblade, veil and maelstrom as core items ;)


                        Actually an alternative like treads MoM yasha pike manta mjollnir sounds pretty good. With MoM and yasha u become rlly fast and farm fast. I can see it working, when u cant help being jumped on (say am, void, pa), and want lifesteal to survive, plus movespeed to disengage and stuff.


                          check out my vid too.

                          casual gamer

                            interesting stuff


                              The build has to be according to what u need. I have yet to go diffusal blade on sniper I will try that when it is necessary, say against a wraith king or other strong intel/ mana needers.


                                Tbh i only went diffusal against wk, but back when diffusal was good i cud see a sniper using it to purge slows and in conjunction with manta.

                                Spec Deck

                                  heart rush, no building damage, and cant cs. all yes


                                    problem is sniper has much more range than the ability usage of diffusal and with a sniper u dnt really wanna get close to a wraith king jus for a purge. so the onyl time u get it is if it is a super core item needed to win the game. and u have crazy attack speed to get rid of mana faster otherwise its useless.


                                      you 2 egois... why pick sniper pick another heroes


                                        hahaha, hot sniper new meta... ez report


                                          No diffusal is prob bad now i played when u cud purge urself lol. And when basically every agi carry went diffusal manta.

                                          casual gamer

                                            difusal against medusa

                                            Optimus Drip

                                              try building hurricane pike instead of heart
                                              . dont build heart

                                              MICHAEL KLUMP

                                                Just try to play safe and dont leave with your team, play together

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                                                MICHAEL KLUMP

                                                  Tarasq in sniper build instead of dragon lance and other damage items , are you serious ?

                                                  MICHAEL KLUMP

                                                    And you give headshot 4 level and 0 level bonus range, besides without dragon lance ?

                                                    MICHAEL KLUMP

                                                      Thats the how shouldnt play sniper in all its part


                                                        building HoT is report worthy,if you cant see that well gl


                                                          Hotd sounds good on sniper tbh but you kind of need other items

                                                          not arin

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                              Cripple Ninja

                                                                just buy hurricane pick sb 2xmjolnir boots manta
                                                                ez mmr


                                                                  wtf are you rushing heart on Sniper?


                                                                    17 losses in a row as Sniper and in 14 of those game you either rushed heart or were in the process? :thinking: :thinking:


                                                                      If you rush, better rush Divine rapier then? :thinking:


                                                                        Drow is a support masquerading as a carry, sniper is a creep masquerading as a carry, understand the hero's limitations and understand his role and you will win.

                                                                        The DarKNovA

                                                                          Aside from the Heart rush, your biggest mistake is your terribly slow farm pace.
                                                                          You just can't do this, you have to try to keep up in itemization, as Sniper is generally a low DPS carry without items, and you kinda want to be able to deal some justice from the back.
                                                                          Also going by your usual damage output, you don't even rain enough flak on the enemy, so you're not very relevant at all.

                                                                          In short, play more offensively with him.

                                                                          Oh, also support role is not really fit for Sniper.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            1. Dominate your lane
                                                                            2. Farm - you have abysmal farm, and a Sniper w/o farm is like a badly underleveled Invoker; absolutely worthless.
                                                                            3. Headshots. Shrapnel.
                                                                            4. Learn how to play DotA.
                                                                            5. Learn how to itemize.

                                                                            If you can't do steps 4 and 5, and you are playing ranked at 3k mmr after 4500 games, give up.

                                                                            Sniper's items will look more like;
                                                                            1) Phase or Treads
                                                                            2) RoA
                                                                            3) Wand - some other type of stat / regen item
                                                                            4) Dragon Lance or early Maelstorm.
                                                                            5) Finished Pike or Mjonlir
                                                                            6) Whatever else you need (ie, movement speed - break - silence - dps).

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Everyone picked up on the obvious heart rush, don't do that, it's stupid.

                                                                              But also hit buildings. Your last 10 matches on sniper had you do 1222 dmg... TOTAL. That's 122.2 per game. That is fucking horrible on any carry and sniper is pretty decent at taking towers actually cus his range is so good he just sits back under cover of shrapnel and hits them.