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General DiscussionShare your comeback-with-a-feeder story

Share your comeback-with-a-feeder story in General Discussion
Mr. Takamura

    Mine was pre 7.00 with 4 carry, 1 solo support lineup against a 5 man party q. My friend was tagging mid and picked SF 2nd after I 1st picked rubick. Then all of a sudden 2 guys from this 3 man party q goes apeshit and just trashing my friend for picking midlane. The game starts and 2 of them starts feeding mid and radiant offlane including the courier for a good amount of 14 minutes before leaving the game (their feed score was around 4-5 courier and 0-20 or somewhere around that). One of their friend (safelane carry morph) keep playing and told us to just ignore them and even tryhard when all of his friends left the game.

    It was 3v5 and I try to fill the offlane while leaving morph to farm top. All 3 of us tried really hard not to die, I even had to make extra rotation to mid and safelane to help stall the 4-5 man push. 30 minutes into the game and I dunno why but it seems that the opposition is just trying to get more kills while ignoring the objectives (feeling confident, I presume). So my friend and I tried to stick together while morph tries to rat other lanes using repli.

    With the + gold income from the 2 abandoneers I managed to get greaves, aghs, bloodstone, ghost sceptre, euls, and glimmer which then allows us to push highground after doing a sneaky rosh attempt at minute 45.

    The game ended with 1 lane of dire racks left, deaths below 10 for each 3 of us, +24 mmr, and no GG from the radiant.


      Is 2 ppl abandoning including your mid is still count as feed? I was playing a game and 2ppl abandon(looks like their electricity died because they are in 1party) so i just casually playing till i won

      old man

        my last pudge game. when two of my teammates disconnected. and we came back after two of the enemy also disconnected lul. not much story to be told tbh. just sea server's things

        Mr. Takamura

          spam clinks: rofl I assume ur voker took care of business in mid after they DC'ed? xD

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            No it was purely me solo carry my team actually. My invoker is still farming at offlane even after sf dc. I was alone vs timber and axe lane. The game turns back around me solo kill timber twice with ult and run in teamfight to save 1hp invoker and press r.


              was around 6.88
              >running pa mid
              >getting megaed
              >proceed to type "I am gonna buy rapier and run down mid"
              >buy rapier and go mid while my team defs base
              >enemy chainfeeds, half of them dont have bb because they bought stupid luxury items since they thought it was over
              >finish the game by killing the ancient
              *extra points because my 4 friends (sub 3k scrubs that I introduced to the game) were getting high and watching me play--> round of high fives #nerdlife

              Ghastly Wail


                Well its not a Comeback.
                Back in 2013 i was really easily offended and got salty fast.
                So i fed on my first Centaur Warrunner Game.
                20 Death in 30 Minutes or so.
                But my Team, while arguing heavily with me still kicked their Butts.
                That was a fun time :D



                  Obviously before 7.00

                  I am the pa

                  Obviously my most unexpected comeback. At laning phase our team were underpowered and harrased too much. The midlaner (qop) was too weak against bloodseeker he even buy early mkb. As pa i really cant fight against them so i decided to rat their tier 1 to get some gold and build my desolator. Then the bizzare thing happens while the clash happen. Bloodseeker has ready with aegis but i just instantly crit him and finally killed him twice. Because i think there would be a megacreeps i better build battle fury to clean those hordes. Then all of our barracks and the filler buildings were eliminated. I just keep rightclicking those creeps so they cant mess with my ancients. Enemies think theyre done if its megacreeps but it's not yet. 322 total of creeps have been lasthitted by me. And finally spectre items is ready to 1v5 after we are gathering enough resources from mega creeps while i just defending the ancient. I still save that replay till now...