General Discussion

General DiscussionRot deny needs nerf, opinions?

Rot deny needs nerf, opinions? in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Incredibly tilting and I think unfair?

    Fat slob comes and ganks u, u die and he denies himself.

    fear is the mind killer

      You can play around it tho

      disgusting weebs

        god when will u ppl stop complaning about pudge hes a balanced hero just don't get hooked, time ur attacks and don't let him kill anyone and gain 6k hp thats all omg is it so hard

        disgusting weebs

          also dont let him dismember anyone like u know what spell does and still elt him eat u? god will ppl learn

          Shikanoko Noko

            not going to happen. just accept it and move on

            Story Time

              i like playing versus pudge, and i like having pudge in my team too, so it means that he is pretty much balanced :)

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Pudge is Dota

                Bill Cutting

                  I guys aren't getting my point, or perhaps u are..

                  I'm fine with everything about pudge, rot should just not be able to kill him.

                  Do u not think that's a fair nerf?

                  Bill Cutting

                    Like he denied through veno ulti, how is that balanced

                    fear is the mind killer

                      You HAVE to play around it, its basic dota

                      fear is the mind killer

                        time your attacks, keep that he will try to deny himself, and you're fine

                        Story Time

                          then u can as well argue that denying should be banned in Dota, but it is one of the mechanics that make the game fun.


                            Yep, League of Lesbians has no denying. Denying is a dota feature. Go play league if you can't get over it.


                              try to lasthit him like a creep

                              disgusting weebs

                                its sure very fun when pudge dives ur t1 3 minutes in and doesn't get punished for it at all


                                  I feel like those mechanics is what makes dota so enjoyable. If we keep make the room for plays smaller dota will lose it's steep learning curve and degrade into LOL or some shit. Now I understand that when it happens it's tilting, but have you like tried to..... GIT GUD?

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Bill Cutting

                                    I have180 pudge games and even I feel bad when I deny to 3 heroes

                                    Ghastly Wail

                                      Why you feel bad about it? Because they werent able to kill you?


                                        I feel bad when I'm man fighting 3 heroes under their t2 10 mins in as sf and my death requiem finishes 2 of them off, but what can you do, it's dota


                                          Dude you just had a game against pudge where he rotted and denieed himself enoug times to piss you off and then you make this topic ROFL.


                                            It was a sad day when omniknight could no longer repel pudge :-(


                                              Agreed. It even half way pisses me off seeing my teammates deny themselves. Just because I know how tilting it is. It's not right at all.

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                Pudge is and has always been Dota mascot.

                                                Sorry, but he is pretty balanced and you will see him almost every other game.


                                                Savvy Cat

                                                  Picked every other game for 5 years counting with a +50% win rate consistently, I would not go so far as to say balanced is the word I would use, in this case. His one true counter, wards, are now in the meta fully though, so there is that.

                                                  Player 404335202

                                                    Pudge is pig